We all heard about South American scene or Asian scene being the most interesting, creative or uncompromised worldwide. Lately I discovered ENTHRALLMENT from Bulgaria that, even if not the most memorable band on earth, manage to create strong trendcrushing death metal that proves that eastern Europe scene is still there and able to explode if you give them a chance. Here are the words of Chris (guitar), prepare your skull to get smashed!
-Hello Chris, how are you? Let’s start this interview by introducing yourself and your band ENTHRALLMENT. We can distinguish two periods in your biography with many changes.
C: Hello brother and Happy New Year in first. Thanks, I’m ok! So, what to talk about me? I’m one of first extreme maniacs in our country Bulgaria. My first band (BLOODY DEATH) is from 1988. I have chance to play in best bands in our country (CORPSE, ODIUM, GRAVEWORM, etc.). In 1998 I and Ivo (also play with me in CORPSE) start one new band called ENTHRALLMENT. In first months we play only covers of bands like MORTA SKULD, AUTOPSY and others. To band we include other two guys – Yassen (vocals) and Simeon (bass). With this line-up we record and our demo “The Scarlet Difference”. Two record labels (Dark Mist Productions & Brutallica Records) street some copies worldwide and we got our first reviews. In 2001 we sign with biggest Bulgarian label Butchery Music for our mini “Burning Fields”. In great for this moment studio in our country “Max Sound” we record 4 tracks + 5 intros. To be honest with you, we never like this mini, but you know – contract. Have and one biggest period, when we change musicians (like DEATH ;)). From 2003 we stand and active live band. In 2006 we record and our first full length album called “Smashed Brain Collection”. The CD is released by Grindethic Records (UK) and Grotesque Prods. (Spain). Now after album release party, we play in great festivals and shows with acts like NAPALM DEATH, OBITUARY, SINISTER, DESTRUCTION, MYSTIC CIRCLE, etc.
-ENTHRALLMENT plays brutal death metal without compromises, reminding the US style, but listening carefully one can hear some old school influences like OBITUARY, DEICIDE, CANNIBAL CORPSE, BOLT THROWER, etc… What do you think of that succinct description? Which bands or scene do you feel close to?
C: I think that we mix the all extreme styles – Death, Grind and Gore and their old and new sounds. We don’t like bands, who play as machines, but like speed and technical parts. Of course, we are influents from bands like DEICIDE, DEATH, IMMOLATION and others. It will be fucking stupid to talk that we play total new death metal. No, we only mix the best of this style and I hope that the result is good.
-Your first album “Smashed brain collection” had just been unleashed few months ago through Grindethic Records and Grotesque Productions? How do you get in touch with them and does the deal go right? What are your expectations about those labels?
C: The offers from these two labels we receive in one week. Some time we talk what to deal, they sent us offers and we have choice – Grindethic or Grotesque. But we offer them to co-operated and now you have the final product out by two companies.
-You have recorded “Smashed brain collection” in your country in Marinov Sound Studio. How many days did it take to record it? Are you satisfied by the result? I think the kick drums sound could have been better with a thicker sound. Is Marinov Sound Studio specialized only in metal music or does he record other styles?
C: “Marinov Sound” studio is the first studio in Bulgaria specialized only for metal, core and rock bands and ENTHRALLMENT is the first band recorded on this studio. We have offer to record in Poland, but for this, that we financed our production, we calculate that we don’t will have money and prefer to record in Bulgaria. The sound is not bad for first product on this studio, but we will wish more for our next stuffs if we record on this studio. I like guitar player don’t like my sound for example.

-How did your previous releases sound like? I talk about the demo “The scarlet difference” (in 2000) and the MCD “Burning fields” (in 2001). Do they sound far different from the actual band’s music?
C: Maybe our demo is more to our actual sound toward our mini “Burning Fields”. Maybe I need to listen the all our releases;)
-You have just released your first album in 2006 but you also have recorded three new tracks recently. What will happen in 2007 for ENTHRALLMENT? Is there a European tour on the way? What have you planned about your next recording?
C: Yes, we record three tracks promo. Two of songs we add in our My Space profile and we got very positive reactions. We are ready with all songs for our next album and by this promo wish to street to all, who interest of our band, what to wait from us in future. We think that the material in more aggressive.
About the tours in Europe. From days (1st January) Bulgaria is the new member of European Union and we are free to travel in Europe normal, out of any borders, taxes, visas and others. We have plans, but nothing sure on this time. Hope to visit and France soon!
-Gore, murders and many other perversions seemed to be the main fuel of ENTHRALLMENT lyrics, right? Are you into gore/horror movies? Recently I saw a movie called “Hostel” where American tourists get trapped in Slovakia and have to suffer from many tortures before being killed. Do you have similar moviemakers in Bulgaria?
C: Fuck the US films. I know perfect film from your country – “DOBERMAN”. This is film brother!!! So, our lyrics are from our real live. In everyone country have killers and maniacs and we represent this stores by our lyrics.
-You are the first Bulgarian death metal band I have been listening to. Can you talk about other interesting bands from your country in death, black, thrash…? Is it hard for Bulgarian bands to get attention? Do you have enough live playing opportunities?
C: In Bulgaria have bands, but small number of them is interesting. In last year I see only two interesting of them – ABLEPSIA (Black Metal) and HAEMA (Death Metal). The all others mix … for example doom, black and death and the final result is one total shit. Of course, our previous band CORPSE is interesting too – the first grind core band in Bulgaria in TERRORIZER & REPULSION vein.
-We all know the zine Brutallica which spread metal plague for years and actually reach its 11th issue. What do you think about this magazine? Did they help ENTHRALLMENT in any other ways like reviews, interviews or promotions?
C: Of course, Brutallica zine is from our city and we know very good the owner Chavdar. Yes, he helps us to street our demo and my two of zine compilation CD’s some peoples know for us.
-What are your feelings about the Bulgaria entering the EU this year as well as Romania? Can you talk a bit about your country, what’s the best thing you enjoy in your country and in the contrary what is the worst thing? Do you have hard times with the bands regarding different factors such as musical material, places to rehearse and criticism about your violent music?
C: Yeah, we are in EU. Some peoples in our country don’t understand what is to be added in union like this. In Romania the situation is same. But really hope that the peoples from old EU countries like your to help us. With band don’t have problems. We are one of popular names in our scene and on this moment we have free rehearsal room + free hall for 500 – 600 fans. In Bulgaria is great to play Pop-Folk music, but soon will have some changes.

-Bulgaria is bordered by countries like Romania, Yugoslavia, Greece and Turkey. You have played abroad with ENTHRALLMENT, right? How was the feedback then? Do you have troubles at some frontiers?
C: We play in Romania, Yugoslavia and Macedonia to this moment. Of course, have some problems and they are general from our history. Macedonia is one very interesting country. Before 100 years their territory is part of Bulgaria. After this they left, but now 4 countries talk that Macedonia is their territory – Greece, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Albania. I remember the talks of peoples when we play on this country - “We are from Greek Macedonia” or “We are from Bulgarian Macedonia”. And the all don’t wish to have communication with us. By this problem we have and “conflict” with Greece special. But this is fucking politic. Let’s to talk for music…
-We have to face a swarming metal scene today with more and more bands and styles using the fast promotion internet can provide. How a band like ENTHRALLMENT can stand out against the masses according to you? What your opinion on our whole metal scene?
C: In first I’m very happy that the death metal return. But if we talk for the whole scene and the all styles I think that have some fucking bands, who kill the music for money. And direct talk for fuckers like IN FLAMES, AMON AMARTH and AMORPHIS. It’s un normal to play Death Metal and in one moment to play Pop and to talk that you experiment. F U C K E R S. Really hope that ENTHRALLMENT will have chance to help of world metal scene to be hard like I and you know!!!
-To a musical point of view, what are the recent releases you dig a lot? Have you heard the last SUFFOCATION album? And tell me what you are listening just know while answering this interview?
C: Yes, I have the last SUFFOCATION’s album (I have the all releases of this band) and … SUFFOCATION is SUFFOCATION. I have critic only to their sound. On this moment I listen one band called ARHONT (death metal like NILE).
-I think I covered everything about your band. Is there something I forgot you to ask?
So now Chris I wish you a good and brutal luck with ENTHRALLMENT. Thanks for your time, if you wish to add something for our readers it’s more than welcome.
Putrefactive regards!
C: I thank you for interesting questions too. It’s one of best interviews for us ! Hope that some peoples will know about ENTHRALLMENT and will interest to listen our music. I hope that very soon we will have chance to present our band with gigs in France and your fans to see what is real Balkan power. For informations and dates you can visit our page www.myspace.com/enthrallment. See you soon !!!
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