If you're tired of the actual US brutal death scene, let's go into the European ground of sonic violence and more precisely into Spain. Very confidential, this scene nevertheless got some killer brutal acts like CEREBRAL EFFUSION who really impress me with their second album “Smashed and splattered organs”. Not just a flood of blast-beats, the band is able to create really obscene and captivating songs.
1- Brutal greetings Pe! First of all, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. Let the killing begins. What’s the situation about CEREBRAL EFFUSION more than 2 years after your second release “Smashed and splattered organs”? You played many gigs in the last months but what about some new material? Your first MCD stuff is re-released as a split CD with OFFALMINCER from Russia, right?
Hi Jim. You are right. It passes 2 years since last cd but we are working hard for recording new one the next year. We have 5 new songs and they are long….new songs are around 4/5 minutes and we try to twist riffs…..I know that we are composing slowly but I hope the result will be there next year. When we compose 2/3 songs more………..it will be recorded….
About Mcd re-released what to say. We signed a deal to the Russian promoter and we decided to edit again Mcd for spreading in Russia…..It sounded cool and we decided to do it.
2-How happened the fact CEREBRAL EFFUSION released a split with Russian OFFALMINCER? You toured Russia as well with ANAL NOSOROG. Wasn’t it hard to tour in this country? How was the response? At least you weren’t out of vodka, ahah!
Ha ha ha ha ha….of course we drank Vodka…….. we toured with ANAL NOSOROG band and we drank “firewater” together.. It was crazy. Russian Tour was really hard coz we have to spend a lot of time travelling. We went to Russia in winter so it was too cool. Anyway when we arrived to cities people was waiting for us and they tried to spend cool time with us. Russian people treating us nice and response was really cool. In one fest 1000 person appeared, others 400 and in some cities 100/150…It was really crazy……We seems like rockstars……….fucking shit.
3-Your first album “Violence in motion” was released through Unmatched Brutality Records in 2003.In 2005 you decided to release your 2nd album through Goregiastic Records. Are you satisfied with the work of UBR concerning your first CD? Why did you choose to work with Goregiastic back then? Will you keep working with them?
We are very glad UB job. They made a good job with our CD but when we recorded 2nd album we spoke to UB and we didn’t agree so we decided to sing to GR. Maybe in the future we can work together….I don’t know what happen in the future……
4-Let’s go back to the beginnings of CEREBRAL EFFUSION in 1997. Why did you choose to create a brutal death metal band at that time when black metal was at its peak? What motivates you to start a band and which bands were you listening to at that period?
Really I wasn’t a CE member…I enter in the band in 2001. When CE started there were many Brutal bands here in Bask Country so we decided to go on to the project. We love brutal music so we make what we like……….that is the main reason to play brutal musick……WE LOVE IT.
5-How did the scene look like in Spain in the mid 90’s? Bands like AVULSED, REINCARNATION, NECROPHILIAC and FERMENTO were still around. You can be considered as a second wave of Spanish death metal with brutal influences from the US like IMPURE, WORMED, SCENT OF DEATH or BRAINWASH. How do you see the Spanish scene evolution?
I decided some time ago not to speak about fucking Spanish scene……….IT SUCKS!!!! I want only to say that there are cool and fucking shit bands like everywhere.
6-I have read some rude reviews about CEREBRAL EFFUSION arguing you were just a CANNIBAL CORPSE clone or shits like that. Maybe one can see some similarities with their “Tomb of the mutilated” era but today the band has evolved a bit. Can you understand such comments? You’re more into the US brutal death vein I think. What do you think about the actual brutal death scene?
I think the same to you…..A lot of people say that we are like CANNIBAL CORPSE….I don’t think so. I think we play brutal death US style and not fucking CC style. I think these guys don’t listen CDs well……they hear one song and tell silly thing…….People who made a zine should to hear cds slowly and try to introduce in the band member skins……….There are too much criticians………Anyway It only a guy opinion…we don’t bother that.
7-You played some gigs in UK recently with SEPTYCAL GORGE from Italia. How was the English response towards these brutal assaults? Which bands got your attention out there?
Play in UK was really cool for us. We met some fucking guys from brutal bands like TWITCH OF THE DEATH NERVE, CREPITATION, INGESTED and of course SEPTYCAL GORGE. They are really cool guys, we spent fucking nice time there and they supported us for making gigs......I liked a lot SEPTYCAL GORGE...they made really cool shows in UK.
8-You’re very active concerning the live situation, which countries have you been visiting? It seems that playing in CEREBRAL EFFUSION is more than a simple involvement for the members? How do you manage to have a regular job and tour the Europe regularly?
Good question…ha ha ha ha……We all are workers. We use to be on holidays when we arrange some foreign gigs. We have to negotiate our holidays with our bosses, even fight for getting it. Till now we all get it, we played in some fucking cool places like Portugal, Germany, UK, Russia and Spain …
Yeahhh, playing in a band is very hard……Each member knows his task in CEREBRAL EFFUSION and we have to do it.

9-About foreign countries, did you play in France and have you any contacts here? Which bands do you know eventually?
I think that we didn’t play there in France but it is true that we have some contacts there. We kept in touch to some French guys and maybe we will play there soon.
10-Extreme music has now become a small market, beside others softer styles of metal, and more and more old acts came back to life with more or less success. Which comments can you make about some comebacks like SINISTER, ASPHYX, ATHEIST, ANGEL CORPSE and more recently CARCASS? Some of them did a decent resurrection like SINISTER. Don’t you think some people may push them to reform for obvious money matters?
Maybe they wanted to play again and they did it. I don’t mind that shits….I don’t like to tell shits about other bands……..All bands suck my dick. I only hear musick.
11-Always about the death metal evolution, some recent bands like VISCERAL BLEEDING, NECROPHAGIST or BENEATH THE MASSACRE, those bands managed to reach a higher step in speed and technicality. Do you think it’s still possible to go further in terms of supersonic violence? Not everyone can digest half an hour of intense blast-beats or guitar shredding demonstration, and some bands forget to just write good and catchy songs. What’s your view on this?
What to say…..I like “high speed and technically bands” and “heavy and slamming bands”. Not all….. I think that they are different styles. I thing that slow riffs are more violent than fast riffs but they could be mixed and became in a fucking purulent atmosphere. I really prefer deeper styles.
12- You also own a small distro list of brutal stuff with very low prices. Do you have regular buyers? Do you think such low prices can prevent people to download bands’ stuff? What are the latest releases you buy/trade?
We haven’t a small distro. We have some CDs for selling in our gigs. We have low prices because we don’t live of music, we enjoy with music.
I bought a lot of stuff in California Deathfest, fucking cool CDs, T-shirts and hooddies…..Really cool stuff. I could to say a very long list ha ha ha ha……
13-In your last mail you told me that you had to fly to California to see the best fest ever. What was it? Which bands were playing there? Was there a good audience? How successful is brutal death metal out there?
It was really cool for us although there weren’t a lot of people there. I thing that it is the same shit everywhere….everybody is supporter but finally there are really few supporters. Played cool bands in CDF but ……I can’t understand……Anyway we spent cool time there with cool guys from different bands.
14-I am out of questions, so we’ll end it here. Just tell me what you were listening to while answering those questions? Thanks for your time Pe, final words are yours. Cheers!
Thanx for you bro. I had to made intie in two times, coz my English is fucking shit and we sent a lot of time writing ha ha ha ha so now I am not listening anything but I was listening CONDEMNED, DEFEATED SANITY and ABYSMAL TORMENT last days.
Thanx for then interview again and I wish the best for your cool work.
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