CD 2008 – Emanes Mëtal Records
7 tracks - 47'06
Rated: 7,5/10
The French doomsters return with their first album. The band despite its many line-up changes, keep on its slow ascension towards the throne of doom metal, heavier than ever with a massive sound (Echoes Studio). TBDLB reached another step and offers a more mature music where the bass guitar got an important place, when lead guitars appear here and there.
The first CATHEDRAL is still the milestone, as well as BLACK SABBATH and its bastard son PENTAGRAM. The music gets darker and even has a melancholic touch (not depressive shit) but something nice though. It immediately reminds me the approach of a band like RUNEMAGICK.
BottleBen vocals kept the way they were on the demo, but are more mastered (no more compliments coz' I know he doesn't give a shit about that!); still a mix between singing and declaiming (Father BottleBen, pray for us!). The vocals are here used parcimoniously, as there are instrumental tracks, here vocals are used as an instrument. It's why you get a track with vocals, then an instrumental, then another tracks with vocals, and so on... This build a kind of funeral in several parts, quite a good idea, even if at the end you only got 4 tracks with vocals, it makes « Blood for the Bloodking » an enjoyable album without being boring like a REVEREND BIZARRE release with more than hour of doom preaching.
A first convincing release showing TBDLB has at least something to say about doom metal with a band like RISING DUST. Better get the LP version for a different but darker artwork.
Contact: emanesmetalrecords@orange.fr
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