Promo 2009 – Self released
2 tracks – 7'22
Rated: 6/10
It's always good to discover a new band like VASAELETH who plays some traditional obscure death metal. Ultra low guttural vocals and low tuned hellsounding guitar, you can bet they abused of their INCANTATION and AUTOPSY records. The drums are buried under vocals and guitars but it enforces the chaotic and evil intents. They know how to create darkening moods by the use of simple riffs and heavy parts. These two tracks are repressed on an EP on Blood Harvest with an additional track, so you're advised to get it in you're into any kind of dark death metal. They can remind FATHER BEFOULED but without the artificial harmonic use. Promising stuff, an album shall be out while you're reading this.
Contact: vasaelethdeathkult@hotmail.com
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