CD 2008 – Xtreem Music
8 tracks - 32'29
Rated: 7,5/10
Dave Rotten and Rogga Johansson who teamed up into a death metal band, that sounds juicely putrid to my ears. The result is some pretty decent low-tuned death metal, closer to the US old school death metal scene (old MORTICIAN, old INCANTATION and ROTTREVORE), and with Finnish death metal remnants (ABHORRENCE, DEMIGOD, ...). The whole is damned heavy as fuck, and sometimes you even have some deadly groove like on "the skies vomit sulphur", a kind of march of the dead, PUTREVORE manages to create some catchy tunes. Some tracks get slower, reminding doom/death metal, and kept an horrific mood strenghtened by the ultra low guttural vocals of Dave Rotten, this guy's amazing and doesn't use any effect!
"Morphed..." is the perfect soundtrack for any zombie movies, one can't only reproach the absence of guitar solos, maybe some variation in vocals like screams, but that's a pretty decent death metal release. This projects differs from what Rogga usually creates, I mean different from stuff like PAGANIZER, RIBSPREADER and their small swedish brothers.
If you're looking for horror-filled death metal to accompany your wandering nights in cemeteries, you have here the best tunes to rock your flesh eating comrades.
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