-My most putrid greetings to you Ratna! Welcome to the graveyard of Putrefactive Effect Zine! You're the vocalist of a young death metal band from Malaysia, so our readers need an introduction about KATHGOR. Tell us everything about the band's creation and the important dates. And what's the meaning behind your moniker?
Morbid greetings to you Jim! It is an honor for us to be interviewed by you in Putrefactive Effect Zine. Well, the idea of making KATHGOR existed quite sometime ago (1999-2000) actually, way before I helped and joined the other 2 bands. It was difficult back then to find suitable line ups with an underground spirits. While I was searching for band mates, I was being asked by a bassist from a death metal band in Singapore to join them. It wasn’t that long after I left them because I realized that they’re heading in the wrong path. At the same time I was busy completing my degree. Not later after that, a drummer from a grindcore band called me to join in with them. We managed to play gigs in Jakarta and several other places and recorded a split with a legendary grindcore band called AGATHOCLES. Nearing the end of 2008 (somewhere in July or August), I decided to quit and left the band immediately as I no longer have any interest to be involved with that band. The current bassist (Ayen) in KATHGOR (also in REAPER and VAULT) was also playing in that grindcore band and he was a new member at that time, also decided to call it a quit. The urge to form KATHGOR grew stronger and stronger each day and at last after few thoughts, I asked A’it, Ibi and Ayen to join me. They immediately agreed. The three of them are my friends and at the same have their own thrash metal band called REAPER. From that day onwards, we gather up at our usual place and practice new songs. Then in February 2009, “Descendants from The Depth” was born. The name KATHGOR was actually taken from an article of satan that I read quite sometime ago. KATHGOR is a Greek word which means “accuser”. Actually, the name itself has got nothing to do with our songs.
-Your first release is the demo tape « Descendants from the depth » limited to 200 copies. Why did you choose the tape format for your first demo? It would have been easier to spread it on CDR. Did you release this demo on your own or have you been helped by any label/distro/friends? Where did you press the tape?
I like the old underground way. TAPE IS KULT!!! (Even though nowadays most of them said that tape is not up to date and bla bla bla…fuck that crap!). During the good old underground days, most of the underground bands used and spread their demos in tape format and flyers while nowadays you can see new bands upload their songs for the whole world to listen without even releasing any official material at all. If financial is the matter, that’s bullshit! It is as if, what they have done all these while (making songs…setting up the band and so on and so forth) is worth to be uploaded only. I’m not against those who use myspace as a medium to be known or to spread their music for the whole world to listen, be it your way and it’s not going to be mine. To me, this spirit of the underground way should not be buried and should be preserved. I don’t have anything against bands who wants to spread their stuffs in cd-r, but personally I like the good old way of spreading demo in tape format (be it in pro-tape or dubbing in an empty tape…DIY RULES!). I sent this demo tape to several labels, distros and close comrades of mine. A local label “Basement Records” (Mal) did help me distribute the stuffs to other labels outside from Malaysia. I traded this tape with other labels like Deathrasharmageddon (Jpn), Nuclear Winter (Gr), Rockstakk Records (Jpn), Terror from Hell (Italy) and etc…Actually not many metalheads here knows the existence of KATHGOR, only to certain people…. some did asked me why did I want to press it in tape format instead because they thought it was expensive, but the truth is, it’s quite cheap here to press a tape. Don’t get me wrong, the reason I want to press this demo in a tape format is not because it is cheaper! To press a tape will cost you around RM 1.30 which in France Francs around 1.74 Francs. The tape was pressed at a local pressing store in Kuala Lumpur.
-KATHGOR is rooted in the 90's era of death metal, with some European but mostly American influences. Bands like MORBID ANGEL (old), POSSESSED, UNLEASHED, etc... come to mind as influences as well as thrash/death bands like INCUBUS, SOLSTICE or early MALEVOLENT CREATION. Actually, I find KATHGOR rather close to THRONEUM probably because of the the crude drums sound, fast parts, harsh screamed vocals... What are the major inspiration of the band members? Is KATHGOR your first band or did some of the band members play in other bands before?
Yes, it’s true when you said that our influences come from early death metal style. Close to Throneum? Well, if that’s what you think, then I respect your point of view. Every listener has different point of views. Our major inspirations comes from Death Metal Gods such as Obituary, Vomitory, Death, Mortem, Morbid, Benediction, Incubus, Morbid Angel, Malevolent Creation..…etc. Kathgor is not our first band. In fact, before Kathgor was born, I was involved in a death metal band from Singapore and an old styled grindcore band. ..a’it, ayen and ibi have their own thrash metal band called REAPER which is still active until now and they are also playing in VAULT now.
-KATHGOR is an old school deathmetal band, but why have you chosen the path of metal of death? What is particular to this style according to you and what is your definition of death metal? Give me also your milestones albums of death metal.
Because “only DEATH is REAL!!!”…I chose this path because of my interest in death metal music. I do listen to other genre as well like heavy metal, thrash metal, black metal, speed metal, old style grindcore (no fucking porn gore grind shit), crust and punk. There’s no restriction in to what I listen to. Death metal is simply death metal. Heavy fucking distorted guitar riffs doom morbid sound, and pounding drums. The best death metal albums to me are Possessed “Seven Churches”, Death “Scream Bloody Gore”/”Leprosy”/”Spiritual Healing”, Morbid Angel “Altars of Madness”, Dark Throne “Soulside Journey”, Obituary “Slowly We Rot”, Sepultura “Beneath the Remains”, Entombed “Left Hand Path”/”Clandestine”, Cancer “Death Shall Rise”, Carnage “Dark Recollections”, Comecon “Megatrends in brutality”/“Converging Conspiracies”, Grave “Into the Grave”/”You’ll never see….”,Dismember “Like an ever flowing stream”, Merciless “The Awakening”/”Unbound”,Vomitory “Raped in their own blood”, Mortem “Demon Tales”/”The devil speaks in tongues”, Dismember “Indecent and obscene”, Unleashed “Where no life dwells”, Edge of Sanity “The Spectral Sorrows”, Benediction “Subconscious Terror”, Disharmonic Orchestra “Not to be undimensional Conscious”,Tiamat “Sumerian Cry”, Cemetary “An evil shade of grey”, Afflicted “Prodigal Sun”, Carbonized “For the security”,Centinex “Subconscious Lobotomy”, Desultory “Bitterness”, Epitaph “Seeming Salvation”,God Macabre “The Winterlong”,Gorement “the ending quest”, Hypocrisy “Obsculum Obscenum”, Megaslaughter “Calls from the beyond”, Morpheus “Son of Hypnos”, Séance “Fornever laid to rest”, Sorcery ”Bloodchilling Tales”, In Aeternum “Forever Blasphemy”,Traumatic “Spasmodic Climax”,Uncanny “Splenium for nyktophobia”,Vader “the ultimate incantation”,Malevolent Creation “the ten commandments”,Deicide “Deicide”/”Legion”/”Once upon the cross”, Silent Death “Before the sunrise”, Bolt Thrower “Realm of Chaos”…It’s not in proper order…maybe I left out a few… but those are the best death metal albums to me that I can list out.

I always like a xeroxed, cut and paste artwork. It reminds me of the old demo of an old school underground band during the era of 80’s and 90’s. Personally I think by doing everything by yourself (Xeroxed, cut and paste artwork) makes you appreciate more and you’ll feel more satisfied because you do everything by yourself. In a way, you will appreciate more on your own hard work in releasing your own demo. Yes, you can say that the artwork goes along with the music.
-A more general question about metal music, considering that it was a rejected style at the very beginning (from heavy metal to black metal), and today it becomes an almost accepted musical stream. How do you personally see the evolution of this impious music through the years and how do you foresee its future?
When bands such as Possessed and Onslaught came out at the same time in 1985 with “Seven Churches” and “Power from Hell”…they already started lyrically about death metal. Some said Possessed started Death Metal but some said it was Onslaught from their song “Death Metal”…it was a bit confusing…at that time, metalheads were banging their heads listening to it…why you said it was a rejected style when I never seen or known that it’s being rejected? But it is quite a norm when one genre evolves and some might not be ready to accept it at that time. Anyways, the evolution started from the early 80’s where death metal started to rise from bands such as Possessed, Onslaught, Death and etc until now where you can see death metal evolves to a more technical brutal death such as Nile. Some hate it and some like it. All I can say is if the spirits of death metal is there, then there will be no reason why there’s no future to it.
-KATHGOR has neither website nor Myspace page, so is it just a matter of time before you get one or will you remain at the email & snailmail stage?
I never like the idea of using myspace as a medium to introduce your band or songs to the metalheads all across the world. Yes, it is true if some may say that it is easier (only for those who want to be known as fast as possible…haha!) I have nothing against those who does that. I prefer the old underground way where those time people still appreciate things like flyers and demo tapes. I like to preserve that. Nowadays no doubt there are still metalheads that appreciate that kind of method… Now, I will remain at the e-mail and snail mail only….
-Until today, how many copies have you spread for promotion? H ow are the feedbacks about “Descendants...”? Are you into tape/CDR trading, sometimes it's better to spread music this way coz people are sometimes reluctant to send cash in a letter and prefer trading?
So far I’ve spread only around 50 copies of the demo. I received good feedbacks and I am very thankful for that. Some of them didn’t give me any feedbacks at all; most probably they don’t like our stuff? …I’ve never face any problem yet with those who are reluctant to send cash. I will always advice them to send the cash in a registered letter. But I’m much happier if they want to trade and I don’t accept tape trade with cd-r. It’s either way, trade or sending cash in a registered letter, is fine with me.
-What is you favorite format for the music; CD, tape, vinyl or MP3? Each one has good and bad sides, hasn't they? Vinyl is praised by die-hard metalheads but sometimes reaches absurd prices because of rare editions, whereas CD and mp3 are more convenient but “trendy” and “soulless” according to some people. What is your viewpoint?
Definitely tape and vinyl. I do have cds as well. I have some cd-r in which I got it from bands..haha! To me, the sound that you find on tapes and vinyl are totally different compared to the sound you listen on cds….don’t you agree? That’s because the sound on the tapes or vinyl’s are more analogue compared to cd which is more digital sound. MP3? I don’t support mp3 at all. I have nothing against those who support mp3, maybe it’s the easier way for them..i don’t know. Nowadays, you can see how easy it is for people to download songs on the internet. That’s because there are websites that provides downloading sections for songs to be downloaded. And metalkids nowadays are proud to say that they have listen to this and that and brag about it….but never own it. It is sick to watch all of these happens. To me, downloading is the poison that kills the underground scene!!!
-Now let's focus on your metal scene. Can you first give us a description of the maintream metal scene (what is the most popular & what is listened by the average metalkids) and then talk about the more underground side. I have not a big knowledge about metal music in Malaysia, I know very few bands like SILENT DEATH or NECROTIC CHAOS, as well as my main contact remains Wan Syamsul of Afterlife Prods / Deadhead Zine. What can you say about good actual bands, labels and zines? Please talk about it to give an overview to our curious readers!
I don’t really know what metalkids listen to nowadays. Most probably metal songs on myspace maybe. Haha! Some of the newcomer here in Malaysia spread their materials by uploading it on myspace. I think this happens in other countries as well, don’t you agree?... I have nothing against those who wants to do it that way, go ahead. But it’s a disappointment to know that people no longer appreciate flyers and demo tapes. Remember those days when you can see flyers here and there and bands came out with self-produced demo tape…why can’t it be like that now? We can’t blame the internet. It’s the mentality of some people that maybe do not know or appreciate the way that makes us appreciate more in what we do. Mainstream or underground is the matter of making own choices and knowing what you want. No one is blaming you if you belong in the mainstream or underground scene. To me, underground means community and unity in the scene and should be preserved and not to be destroyed!
In Malaysia, there are changes all throughout the years, from the early days of spreading flyers, tape trading, demos until the day where the metalkids only downloads or uploads their songs on the internet. Back then there were a lot of good bands during those days that I personally like here, besides the great SILENT DEATH and NECROTIC CHAOS are RATOR, NECROFIST (later changed their name to NEBIRAS), TORMENTOR, BRAINDEAD, NEMESIS, MUTILATION, MAZE OF TORMENT,LAMIA, SRI MANKAT (later changed their name to ARADIA), MISANTHROPE (later changed their name to RAVENLORD), ABSURD, BLASPHERIAN (later changed their name to NARSAMUM,) NUCLEAR DEATH (later changed their name to OPERATION CORPSE), ENDLESS, BLACK FIRE,KREMATION, SUFFERCATION, MANTRA, DIRTY COFFIN (later changed their name to IMMORTAL FLY), CREMATORY (Mal), BLACK JESUS, INFERNAL VOID, NAKARATUL KHAUM, KITANAICHI and also there are rare bands that released one or two demos in the early era of 1990’s such as IAK SAKKAH, MASCARA (black death), VULGA (black death…a demo was recently being re-released under Afterlife production in which their songs were taken from MASROHENDT/TEARS&PROMISE split), NOVATOR, WINNOWING WINDS, SAKARATUL, CARNEOUS, and INCREASES NOISE. As for zines, there are a lot of good zines existed around the year of 1987 until mid of 1990’s besides DEADHEAD ZINE that actually existed in the late 90’s early 2000.Good zines existed during the older days in Malaysia metal scene (around 1987 until mid of 90’s) are AEDES, THRASH ATTACK (later changed the zine’s name to VORTEX FROM THE EAST), HELL (the editor is one of the band member in a black death band called VULGA), EARSLAUGHTER,KRENMAUT, NOCTURNAL SLAVES, HORMALA, INFUSORIA (later changed it’s name to PUAKA ZINE), UNHOLY, THY UNHOLY ABYSS, ULTIMATE DARKNESS (the editor is no more in Malaysia, he migrated to UK), MINTAKULBURUJ, BRUTAL NOISE, MORTAL FLAMES, G.O.D (I forgot what it stands for), SWARM MAJESTY, GONDRONG, DEVOURMENT OF SOULS, FATAL LUCIFER, BLOKONG, ANGEL FROM HELL, PURI SILUMAN PEJAJARAN, CAPRICORN, RAHAB, NATHIAS, KROUT, UNHOLY PROPHECIES, KARAKATUAR, PUTREFYING REMAINS, SECTOR KROTONGKOL, ZULMAT, ABSURD EXISTENCE, DARK BOOK, and DARK WORDS. So far these are the good zines that I can still remember (layout and inlay are all cut and paste) and list it all out for you readers to know. There are a lot more good zines during that era that I may not even know because it’s too many. There are even zines that are actually in hand written! The birth of new zines nowadays is totally different than before. It seems like being an editor isn’t as easy as it looks…I didn’t say all, but some of the zines produced low quality reviews, information and even interview questions. I read a local zine which can be considered as a new zine from east Malaysia, made me want to throw it in a dust bin, the editor only talks about the layout and the artwork of the material without even giving any good details or any comparison on the bands songs. Well, I didn’t say that it is wrong to talk about layout and stuffs, but if all the reviews for every bands are the same (talking about layout, artwork and shit stuffs like that) what do you think? Is it worth to read such zines or is it worthless? This kind of zines bores me to death. I don’t even bother to read it again or to wait for the next issue…anyways, here’s the list of good labels that I know existed at that time: EVIL GRINDER (later changed their name to EAST GOTHIC PRODUCTION), SMALL BUDGET (later changed its name to MUZIKBOX PRODUCTION), NORTHPOEM RECORDS, PSYCHIC SCREAM and NEBIULA PRODUCTION. Those are the big labels in Malaysia. Beside big labels like that, there are also small distro labels such as KAPRIKORNUS and METALLATRIA RECORDS. I’m not really sure if these labels are still active or not. I don’t really keep much track on the latest Malaysian scene, but as far as I know, there are some good new bands,labels and small distros here.
-As far as I know, it is not an easy task being a metalhead, playing in a band or running a label in your country.20The government, religion and mainly the customs are among your worst enemies. What do you need to take care of to avoid being bothered? When sending or getting letters/packages, what people need to do to avoid disappearances or troubles? To which extent you could be punished by the law? Showing satanic symbols/beliefs can get you into troubles or mentalities have changed and today nobody cares?
As far as I know, there’s seems to be no problem at all now. Yes, it is true that some of the metalheads faced problems involving the customs and KDN…all the parcel must be as descent as possible or else it will be checked, confiscated and being charged of a penalty. Yes, it is a troublesome for us all. Some of them did order too many until the custom officer thought they’re escaping from tax charges! There’s risk, but so far, as long as the parcel looks decent enough, there won’t be any problem with it at all coz most of the parcels I received are all okay. There’s really nothing to be worried about…seriously. There’s nothing actually…Well, here u can walk along the streets with metal shirt and beer in your hands…nothing will happen to you as long as you didn’t make any chaotic scene on the streets. Nowadays, everything is quite okay because the mentalities of some narrow minded people have changed a bit.
-Concerning the gigs organization, is this something possible for small bands like KATHGOR or is it illegal and you have to arrange secret gigs? How many gigs did you perform? How is usually the people attendance at gigs? Do you have good beer in Kajang? What are the best alcohols out there?
As for gigs, the organizer must have a permit or license to organize a gig or else, there will be trouble before the gig ends. There are no secret gigs unless someone organize one...Haha! KATHGOR haven’t got the chance to perform any gig yet here because not many metalheads here in Malaysia knows the existence of KATHGOR. That’s because I only spread few copies of the demo to my close comrades in Malaysia. Some of them metalheads who got to know about us did ask about our demo, but when they got to know it’s in a tape format, they’re a bit reluctant and even asked us, why we didn’t release it on the cd instead. I totally fucking ignore them!
Anyways, the attendance of the metalheads here is considered okay. But if compared to the attendance of metalheads out there i.e. like in Europe countries for instance, we’re outnumbered and that’s because Malaysia is not a big country at all. If you happen to come to Malaysia someday, I will bring you to see one of the gigs here. Aha! The BEER!!! It’s good to drink beer while listening to TANKARD!!! Haha! the beers here are just the normal ones like Carlsberg, Guinness, Heineken and etc…some take an alcoholic drink called Taisong. The percentage of alcohol in Taisong is very high and you’ll get drunk by just drinking one bottle! It’s also the cheapest. It can be considered as rare to you. If you come here, I will definitely treat you to drink Taisong! Another rare one I can suggest is Montoku. This kind of drink you can find in the east part of Malaysia. Very rare and very strong. They said first timer will not stand Montoku….but who knows; maybe some of the first timer may survive.Haha!
-”Descendants from the depth” is your first demo tape, so what is the next step for KATHGOR? Will you release another demo or do you think about releasing a full album? Is KATHGOR the kind of band who want to spread its name as fast as possible or on the contrary spread it slowly as a corpse's putrefaction?
A full album will be later, now we are currently in the process of releasing our 2nd demo (still in a tape format) in which we have completely done one song and the other two songs are still halfway done. I will inform to you once this demo is out. Actually we are still looking for labels that are interested to release our materials in tape/vinyl format…..How fast or slow it all depends as I’m spreading our band’s materials through flyers that’ll be sent through snail mail or e-mail….it all depends…
-The putrefactive question now: what were you listening to while answering my fucking questions? What are you latest metallic purchases and things you could recommend to our readers?
I’m listening to “At War with Temujin” by IMPIETY in “DOMINATOR” album while answering this question…when I started to answer the first question of your interview I was halfway listening to Morbid “December Moon” demo... My latest purchases are Magnus Lp “Scarlet Slaughterer” , ANNIHILATED “Part of Destruction” Cd, Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult “Evoking a Decade” Cd, The Accused Lp “The Return of Martha Splatterhead” (first press, luckily I managed to get it).Well, I’d highly recommend you to get VAULT materials which will be released somewhere around july under dying victim production (in tape format). Good speed thrashing riffs with awesome sound…..REAPER, a thrash metal band reigning from Kajang also in which most of the members are playing in VAULT and KATHGOR. They are in the process of releasing their first full length titled “ETERNAL DAMAGE” which will be released soon under a local label called Empayar Music Prod. (Mal) …the other one I can suggest is “IMPIETY “Terrorreign” album. Personally I think it’s the best album so far ever released from them. Hail the Mighty IMPIETY! ….D.N.S “Evoking a Decade”, awesome pure black metal reigning from German….

Thank you for this awesome interview Jim. We wish you and Putrefactive Effect Zine only the best!!! Keep the metal flames burning!!! Yearghhhhhhhh!!! For underground metal maniacs out there who wants to ask about our demo, merchandise, trade (most WELCOME!), lyrics or band infos please do write to us at this address:
Ratna S.D
P.O BOX NO.41,
or email to: armyofhell666@hotmail.com (RATNA) . In the end only death is REAL!!!! And the underground RULES!!!HAILS!!!
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