The last album of DESECRATION, “Process of decay” deals with the complete decomposition of a corpse, from the moment of murder through the burial. I hoped Ollie wasn’t too busy to answer my questions as he is the leader of DESECRATION but also plays guitar in AMPUTATED and EXTREME NOISE TERROR! Damned, does this guy has enough time to sleep?
I-Hi Ollie, “Process of decay” is out since March 2005 now. What is the feedback? What are the main differences between this album and the previous “Pathway to deviance” except the absence of guitar solos? Will Lee Evans be replaced or do you feel better as a trio?
Yes it’s had excellent feedback. We know it’s our best work yet. The main difference is that all of the tracks flow into each other, so it’s like listening to one continuous piece of music and it works really well. We’re happy now as a three piece and we’ll stay this way I think. We aren’t going to be using guitar solos anymore, as I’m not big fan of them.
II-Since your beginnings, DESECRATION became more and more brutal, had a better and tight production. Don’t you fear that one day you can’t go further in brutality and feel annoyed by the band?
Yeah maybe ha ha! We just want to keep moving forward and upward like any other band does.
III-DESECRATION is a quite respected and established band, how do you perceive the extreme metal scene and its evolution around you especially in the UK? Some old acts are still playing, like BENEDICTION, NAPALM DEATH, EXTREME NOISE TERROR or BOLTTHROWER, and new bands have emerged like GOAT MOLESTOR, ANAAL NATHRAKH, THE BERZEKER, GOREROTTED … Do you know some of them?
There are quite a lot of bands emerging in the UK, whether they are successful or not is another thing. We are friends of quite a few though. Generally people who like metal want to be in a band so that’s what they do, which is why you get all levels of talent. In general though UK isn’t great. For instance bands from abroad will only come to London for a show, everywhere else doesn’t make them any money.

IV- In the past, you’ve got troubles with censorship concerning the lyrics and the artwork of your first CD “Gore and perversion”. In parallel, we have these events in Denmark concerning caricatures of the prophet Mahomet that unleashed riots. What’s your opinion about these events and censorship more generally?
I’ve always been against censorship ever since I understood what it meant. I do understand some aspects though, for instance film classification for viewing ages. I don’t however understand why different countries have different laws and levels of censorship. I think freedom of choice is right.
V-“Murder in mind” and “Inhuman” are both re-released. What the owners of the previous editions can expect from those re-editions? Have you ever think about releasing a DVD gathering gigs and biography like DISMEMBER did?
The re-issues have been re-mastered with new layouts. They also contain live video footage of two tracks per CD. A DVD would be cool yeah but we aren’t anywhere near releasing one!
VI-You also play guitar in AMPUTATED who released a split CD with LEPTOTRICHIA. An album is about to be released on Sevared Records. Can you give us more infos? Are you a live session member or do you take part in the composition?
The debut album will be out in March/April this year, it’s real brutal stuff. I am a full time member and contribute to the writing of the material of course.
VII-There are many rumours concerning a reformation of the mighty CARCASS. Personally I think they shouldn’t reform so as to enrich greedy labels. This band generated and influenced dozen of bands such as IMPALED, EXHUMED, HAEMORRAGE, ENGORGED, THE COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINERS, FLESHGRINDER, DISGORGE (Mex), GENERAL SURGERY… which are cool bands to listen to. What’s your view on CARCASS history? Did the band’s music have an influence on you?
CARCASS have never been an influence on me but I’ve always been a big fan. I don’t tend to listen to much grindcore so their first album doesn’t appeal me to that much.
VIII-I saw on your guestbook that some fans complained about the fact you opened for CRADLE OF FILTH. I think it was a good opportunity to make some people discover your music style and turn them into death metal freaks. Did you meet the members? How was the gig?
We had a great show, and I don’t know why anyone would want to complain about it. We gained a lot of fans by doing that type of gig, and we would do again. Yeah we did meet the band.

IX-I know you like gore movies but what do you think of all those mainstream US gore movies for teenagers especially the remake of Zombie by G. Romero and all those crappy movies like Resident Evil; where are the macabre feeling in those shit? What are your favourite horror/gore movies?
I don’t think it is essential to have the macabre feelings as you say. Good gore scenes do it for me, what I really like in a film is seeing a killing that I have never seen before.
X-Some today’s realisations are quite good like Alex Chandon’s “Cradle of fear”, Rob Zombie’s “House of 1000 corpses” or NECROPHAGIA’s “Through the eyes of the dead”, do you like their movies and more generally this kind of independent stuff? Do you know Antoine Pellissier; it’s a French doctor who realised four really gore movies with few money?
I don’t like any of those films actually, I think rob zombie’s movies are crap (so far so bad!) and I don’t like amateur horror movies. I haven’t heard of that doctor but it sounds very interesting, I’ll be looking into it!
(Jim:Those interested can contact Pellissier Pictures Productions / 362 Av. Kennedy / 30900 NÎMES / FRANCE)
XI-OK Ollie, what comes to your mind regarding the following?
-DESECRATION “Murder in Mind Live 1998” (Mangled Maggot Stew): it does sound like stew! Someone wanted to release it so we let them. It isn’t an official release.
-Mic (drums): Good ole Mikey, a very nice guy, and a great drummer.
-MORTICIAN: The band –over rated, they are big because of their artwork and logo I am sure. The work, great!
-Fuck the Commerce: A good open air festival in East Germany, which we play again this year!!
XII-Many gigs seemed to be planned, but you play rarely in my fucking country except in Strasbourg and Marseille. Are you well promoted in Europe? I bought “Process of decay” in the US! Can you tell us more about your future plans?
Well we tour Europe in May with Extreme Noise Terror, but prior to this we have always taken opportunity to travel through Europe for festivals and shows although it is very expensive crossing the water from UK. All UK bands suffer because of this. I don’t think we have a very good distribution in Europe, I usually push the albums myself a bit.
XIII-Ollie, I would like to thank you for your answers, I hope I didn’t bother you, ah!ah! You can conclude by threatening the French bastard who spitted on your band through your guestbook; as it’s a French zine he might read this one day so be unmerciful! Bye.
Well I don’t remember this comment from a French guy. I don’t look at the guestbook that often so I may well have missed it. I can’t say anything because I haven’t read it! Thanks for the interview!!!!
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