UNDERNEATH is a surprising death metal band from Portugal I discover through NH distro; their 2nd demo delivers quite good death metal and I would bet their next release would confirm a real potential.
1-Hola Garras, como vai? OK, I stop now 'cause my Portuguese language is very limited, sorry man! So can you dig deeply in the world of UNDERNEATH and talk about the band history, the members and your releases? Why choosing that name and why this attraction towards death metal and others bloody topics?
Aucun problème, mon français n'est pas celui bon ainsi…
Most important of all UNDERNEATH are a group of friends that like extreme music, beer that hopefully one day will get rich and famous thanks to all you guys. Eh eh eh!
Seriously, the band was born in Tomar, Portugal, in October 2001 originally formed by Sérgio Garraio, (vocals), Telmo Teixeira (guitar), Ricardo Ferreira (bass) and Ricardo Neto (drums). In October 2004 Miguel Fonseca joined the band, becoming the new singer and Sérgio Garraio the new guitar-player along with Telmo Teixeira.
We release our first cd, "Underneath", on 2002 and during the last year we released "By Flesh". Both CD's represents important stages of our history and evolution as band and as musicians. In one side we have "Underneath" that was recorded whit the old formation on an early stage of our existence, during that point where you are still searching for the right formula, and in the other is "By Flesh" that shows what we really want to do.
We choose UNDERNEATH because it represents the spirit of the band, our thoughts, our music, our feelings, us. In our point of view, it represents the place from where all things emerge and submerge.
2-Hard to point out what are the influences of UNDERNEATH. I would name, in no particular order, CANNIBAL CORPSE, AUTOPSY, DEMIGOD, early AT THE GATES, GORGUTS, etc… Your death metal style is very varied; can you comment UNDERNEATH musical approach?
It's hard to say because we all listen to different kinds of music. When we create a song we don't try to sound like this our that band our gender, we just play, it just happens naturally, it's what we like to play, loud and brutal.
3-There is a big step forward between your two demos: the sound as well as the composition. What were the mistakes you avoided in the demo 2005? Was it recorded in the same studio? Do you left vocals to concentrate on guitar because of the increasing difficulty of new songs?
The first CD was recorded in a local studio that didn't have a lot of experience in metal so when we decided to record "By Flesh" we choose to do it ourselves with the help of friend, it give us more time to do things our way.
We decided to include another guitar just to increase the brutality and strength of the songs as well to explore other methods of composition.
4-UNDERNEATH seems to slowly spread its name in the underground, what are your future plans? Do you get in touch with some labels?
We have a label that is interested on release our first album but we still have to wait for their decision, when it happen you will know. Meanwhile we are working whit several distros that are helping us here in Portugal, Australia, Canada, Holland and France. (Without your help, nothing of this would be possible, thank you all for the support). Future plans? Go out next weekend to see some concerts and drink beer, you are all invited. Seriously. We just want to keep doing what we like to do, play brutal music, meet cool people, play live and get rich. Eh eh.
5 -On your demo covers, we can distinguish a kind of mass of flesh, what is it exactly? One of your latest victim, ah, ah! What are the best death metal artworks ever according to you? Do you like guys like Jon Zig, Chris Moyen, Wes Benscotter, and Gabriel Byrne who did awesome artworks?
Ah, ah! It's the remains of George Bush!
The covers were based on paintings of Telmo Teixeira (the other guitar-player of the band) and the layout was created by Teresa Bento as well our site and the myspace page, she is helping us since the beginning.
We see them as our vision of what we all are, flesh, blood and mind. They are too many to say. I usually don't care a lot who as done this or that, the most important is that reflects the spirit of the songs.
6-I really like your title tracks, in a pure death metal tradition! Would you write things different from death, murder, decay, etc…as social matters or whatever? What is your definition of death metal? What do you think of today extreme metal mixing hardcore, samples, synth, or whatever stupid shit for being original at all costs? Are you into modern extreme metal?
No problem, in fact some of our songs are about social matters but from our point of view.
Death metal = Brutal music?! I really don't know, it's hard to say, it's something that you fell. I don't care a lot, but there are some shit out there that makes me sick. In the end only the strong survive, it's a matter of time, sooner or latter the end will come, eh, eh!

7-In a same way than the previous question, we can witness an evolution of the musical styles and bands claiming to be death metal are just deathcore or hardcore with guttural vocals or some bands always push farther the limits of speed & technicality. Do you think evolution is necessary in metal?
Yes, for the better or the worst. I think it's a natural thing, we are always trying to do something different, something new that no one had done before, it's in our blood. If you like it our not it is up to you to decide, just like in life there are good and bad things.
8-What does the scene looks like in Portugal? I mean, what about recommended bands (hey I guess people only know MOONSPELL, I know essentially some black metal hordes like INNER HELVETE & LUX FERRE, and about death metal I only know GROG), zines, alcohol, labels, etc…
It's growing, at each year that passes you see more bands, more zines, more festivals, new places to play, it's going in the right direction. If you want to know a bit of portuguese metal bands go to myspace and search them, there are a ton, black, death, doom, grind, thrash, heavy. Alcohol? Portuguese beer is the best, hail Super Bock, you have to try it to understand, if you can find it there we will send you a pack, eh, eh! (Jim:Why not!!!)
9-Have you been to Barroselas Metalfest 9 that happened on 28/29/30 April 2006? My landmates from BLOODY SIGN played here with American ESTUARY. You took part of the 2005 edition with INCANTION, FUNERUS, JUNGLE ROT, DESECRATION, GOREROTTED…how was the response regarding UNDERNEATH gig?
Very good, most of the people didn't know us but it went really well, the reviews were good and after the festival we started to receive more mails of people asking for our cd's. It is very important for the promotion of the band.
10-If a young metaller would start a band today, which are the records that would be essential to his "education" and what should be his state of mind?
They are too many to say, basically you have to know a bit of history of Metal, the roots and evolution. If you are starting a band for the fame and money give up, if you want to survive as a band you have to enjoy it and be prepared to make some sacrifices.
11-What are the records you bought recently? Anything to recommend or to throw away?
Bought? I´m always broke. God bless internet, eh, eh!
It's hard to say, there are a lot of good bands out there, especially european and australian. To throw away? Teenage metal.
12-This zine should be read by French bastards, so what do you know from us? Do you like some bands or zines? Is there anything you hate from France? How do people from Portugal consider us?
I really don't know a lot of you guys, the only thing that I have to say is that you are always ready to help without any bullshit and that you have beautiful women, eh, eh! All the bands that I know are fucking brutal, great musician's with great spirit, you guys really kick ass over there.
The only zines that I know are the Nihilistic Holocaust webzine/label that is working with us, and the Sick/Extremer zine. We respect you a lot, some time ago there were a lot of Portuguese people that have to leave the country and they were always well treated there, for that thanks a lot. Things that I don't like? French beer (sorry).
13-The football world cup is coming. Unsurprisingly, your language brothers from Brazil are favourites. Are you into football? Do you think Portugal has its chance this year and can create the surprise? Your prognostics, if ever interested?
We love football. It's hard to say who is favourite or who is going to win, at this stage anyone can make the difference. Hopefully the final will be Portugal/France.
14-Garras, thanks for your time! I wish you & UNDERNEATH all the best. I let you end this interview but before how would you translate "Hail death metal!" in Portuguese?
Thank you for the interview and for keeping supporting underground, best of luck to you. To all of you bastards that are reading this, keep supporting True Metal. We usually say "Death Metal Caralho!" (caralho=cock).
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