2006 shall be the year of NERLICH! Created in autumn 2003 the band released 3 demos and proposed very talented old school death metal despite multiple line-up changes. Here are some words of Miikka (guitar & vocals) about NERLICH and his influences. Have a beer and celebrate this new hope of Finnish death metal, you’ve been warned!
1-Greetings to you all in NERLICH! I got the split CDR
with DECOHERENCE & GORGASM released by Nihilistic Holocaust and I must admit that your part of this stuff is just fucking great. This was in fact your demo 2004 but for a “simple” demo I find the sound powerful and I am impressed by your musicianship. So now, what are the news? You have recorded a full length album; did you find a label to release it? What are the reactions regarding NERLICH’s music?
We have recorded a full lenght album, it´s called "Defabricated Process". We have also found a label to release it. You will hear more about of it soon.
The reactions are pretty good. Most of the people seem to like us, but of course there´s people who don´t.
2-While writing those words, I am listening to your stuff and albums like “Effigy of the forgotten” and “Altars of Madness” are coming to my mind. It’s obvious that you are addicted to SUFFOCATION and MORBID ANGEL, am I right? Would you name other influences?
You’re right that SUFFOCATION has been a big influence for us, especially with their song structures. I like also MORBID ANGEL a lot, but it hasn’t influenced us so much. Our main influences are DEATH, SUFFOCATION, PESTILENCE, GORGUTS and other bands from early 90s.
3-What do you think of the latest releases of SUFFOCATION “Souls to deny” and MORBID ANGEL “Heretic”?
I think those both are pretty good albums. SUFFOCATION’s "Souls to deny" is good record. In the middle the record gets little bit boring, but otherwise it´s very good. I like it as much as the older SUFFOCATION records, but from MORBID ANGEL I like more the first four albums.
4-You are obviously a 90’s death metal supporter but how do you see the evolution of death metal today? Areyou interested in US brutal death metal with bands like DEEDS OF FLESH, LUST OF DECAY or BRODEQUIN? OrEuropean stuff like VISCERAL BLEEDING or ARSEBREED?
I don´t like the never bands so much, I like more the old ones. But I think that evolution is necessary in music so I don´t have have anything against those never bands. Mostly I just like the old bands. Our drummer Teemu likes more those bands with fast grinding like KRISIUN, VADER, SUFFOCATION and these never bands.
5-Do you like the bands sharing the split with you (DECOHERENCE & GORGASM)? Do you know other Frenchbands you eventually like?
I like GORGASM pretty much, and DECOHERENCE is ok too. I don´t know much French bands.
6-Are you satisfied with the promotion of Nihilistic Holocaust? For a DIY label, I find he does an awesome job that is sometimes better than a professional
label. What do you think of the way he runs his label? Are you into underground stuff like zines, demo tapes, vinyl…?
I think Gab does very good job with his label, he has also helped us a lot with his promotion etc. I have a lot of good demos, few rare tapes and vinyl’s, but I don’t have zines almost at all. I’m more into the old bands, and I buy their records.
7-NERLICH is a quite young band formed in 2003 with three demos and a coming album. You are productive. How many times do you rehearse? What material did you use actually to have this massive guitar & bass sound?
We rehearse about 1-3 times in a week, but there’s also weeks when we don’t play at all. Usually the rehearsals last about 5-6 hours, because there’s no point to travel long way to rehearsal place just to play two hours. We just practise and jam for 5 hours, have few 5-10 minute brakes in the middle, and then go home. I don’t remember what equipment we used. The bass sound came from our previous bass players Aria pro bass. I recorded guitars with my Jackson fusion pro-94. The amplifiers and effect pedals were the engineer’s.
8-While composing tracks, when did you put the singing patterns? I mean, you first create the music then you add voice? Explain your composition process.
Pretty much like that. First I compose some riffs and short parts. After that I start to figure out which riffs fit whit each other, and at the same time I arrange drum patterns and figure out where would be vocals etc. We also compose/arrange some parts of the songs at the rehearsal place... I start to write lyrics after the music is ready.
9-Your title tracks are in the pure obscure vibe of the 90’s dealing with death, decay and human degradation. Have you ever think of writing lyrics about social shit or religion?
We try to avoid writing lyrics that has something to do with religion. But otherwise we write lyrics about everything that we get ideas from.

10-There were many line-up changes. What are the main reasons? Who is the tyrant leading the uncompromising march of NERLICH?
There are a lot of different reasons for the line-up changes. Lack of time and motivation is the main reason why the line-up changes. One guitarist had a tumour in his hand (and motivation problems) so he quit.
There was also one guitarist, called Jarno, who left the band because he got pissed in us, mainly in me, because we’re saying to him that he must learn the songs and come to rehearsals if we want the things to work etc. He was always playing like shit and we tried to find a replacement for him few times. Then one day I got a childish text message from him where he said to me that I´m a asshole, because I´m complaining about those things I mentioned before and that he will leave the band. But the main reason why things didn´t work with him was that he was just too stupid. I’m the tyrant/leader of NERLICH. But I’ll listen what the other members think of things too.
11-Miikka, you are also involved in KATAPLEXIA as bassist. How do you get in touch with this death metal band? Can you give us some brief words about KATAPLEXIA?
I don’t remember how I get in touch with them. Finnish death metal scene is pretty small so I knew Rodrigo and that way I ended to play in the band. KATAPLEXIA is going to do a small tour in Spain on June and the band is writing new songs at the moment for a new full length album.
12-Does the exposition of mainstream shit of Finland (I mean STRATOVARIUS and CHILDREN OF BODOM for example) help underground acts as NERLICH or CADAVERIC INCUBATOR getting more attention worldwide?
Metal gets more listeners, because it’s so mainstream in Finland, and also that way more people get into the underground stuff too. But I don’t think the mainstream metal bands help underground bands to get attention worldwide.
13-I only know two countries (Finland and Norway) where metal bands reach national charts? Didn’t you find this strange? Don’t you feel metal or at least extreme metal shall remain underground? What’s your view on this?
I don´t like those bands so much who reach the charts, those are mostly that melodic metal style that I don´t like. For me it´s the same if extreme metal, like death metal stays underground or not. It doesn´t change the music, for example OBITUARY´s “Cause of Death” would still be a good record, if everyone owns it or not.
14-Are you interested in black metal? Finland owns few bands like HORNA, BEHEXEN, PEST, BEHERIT, SATANIC WARMASTER, IMPALED NAZARENE… Are you in contact with some of them?
We´re not so interested in black metal. I know most of those bands, but I don´t like black metal so much, except that some black metal bands have very good dark atmosphere in their music. btw, IMPALED NAZARENE plays in the same rehearsal place as we do.
Otherwise we don´t know so much people from black metal scene. NERLICH is more in contact with the punk scene than with black metal.
15-I didn’t know any fucking beer from Finland, anything to recommend? What are your favourite brews? Do you know some foreign alcohols?
Karhu is my favorite Finnish beer. But all of the finnish beers are ok to me. "Salmiakkikossu" is recommended to all foreign people who haven´t got used in the taste of salmiakki.
16-What are you listening while answering my questions? Anything to recommend?
I´m listening to PINK FLOYD´s “Wish you we’re here”. Also the new BOLT THROWER album “Those Once Loyal” has been a lot in my CD-player recently. Those two CDs are recommended.
Some other brilliant records that I recommend:
GORGUTS-“Erosion of Sanity”
PESTILENCE-“Testimony of the Ancients”
ATHEIST-“Unquestionable Presence”
AUTOPSY-“Acts of the Unspeakable”
MILES DAVIS-“Kind of Blue”
17-Well, the degenerating process is over. Thanks a lot for your time. I let you conclude. Hail NERLICH!
We will release our first full length album soon. Check out our homepage for more info about the
upcoming releases:
You can listen to our music for free (full songs) at these two pages:
-s/t demo 2004
-Insane creations – Inorganic echoes demo 2004
-Embalmed madness split CDR with DECOHERENCE & GORGASM (2005)
-Promo 2005
-Defabricated Process CD 2006
-Innards EP 2008
3-What do you think of the latest releases of SUFFOCATION “Souls to deny” and MORBID ANGEL “Heretic”?
I think those both are pretty good albums. SUFFOCATION’s "Souls to deny" is good record. In the middle the record gets little bit boring, but otherwise it´s very good. I like it as much as the older SUFFOCATION records, but from MORBID ANGEL I like more the first four albums.
4-You are obviously a 90’s death metal supporter but how do you see the evolution of death metal today? Areyou interested in US brutal death metal with bands like DEEDS OF FLESH, LUST OF DECAY or BRODEQUIN? OrEuropean stuff like VISCERAL BLEEDING or ARSEBREED?
I don´t like the never bands so much, I like more the old ones. But I think that evolution is necessary in music so I don´t have have anything against those never bands. Mostly I just like the old bands. Our drummer Teemu likes more those bands with fast grinding like KRISIUN, VADER, SUFFOCATION and these never bands.
5-Do you like the bands sharing the split with you (DECOHERENCE & GORGASM)? Do you know other Frenchbands you eventually like?
I like GORGASM pretty much, and DECOHERENCE is ok too. I don´t know much French bands.
6-Are you satisfied with the promotion of Nihilistic Holocaust? For a DIY label, I find he does an awesome job that is sometimes better than a professional
label. What do you think of the way he runs his label? Are you into underground stuff like zines, demo tapes, vinyl…?
I think Gab does very good job with his label, he has also helped us a lot with his promotion etc. I have a lot of good demos, few rare tapes and vinyl’s, but I don’t have zines almost at all. I’m more into the old bands, and I buy their records.
7-NERLICH is a quite young band formed in 2003 with three demos and a coming album. You are productive. How many times do you rehearse? What material did you use actually to have this massive guitar & bass sound?
We rehearse about 1-3 times in a week, but there’s also weeks when we don’t play at all. Usually the rehearsals last about 5-6 hours, because there’s no point to travel long way to rehearsal place just to play two hours. We just practise and jam for 5 hours, have few 5-10 minute brakes in the middle, and then go home. I don’t remember what equipment we used. The bass sound came from our previous bass players Aria pro bass. I recorded guitars with my Jackson fusion pro-94. The amplifiers and effect pedals were the engineer’s.
8-While composing tracks, when did you put the singing patterns? I mean, you first create the music then you add voice? Explain your composition process.
Pretty much like that. First I compose some riffs and short parts. After that I start to figure out which riffs fit whit each other, and at the same time I arrange drum patterns and figure out where would be vocals etc. We also compose/arrange some parts of the songs at the rehearsal place... I start to write lyrics after the music is ready.
9-Your title tracks are in the pure obscure vibe of the 90’s dealing with death, decay and human degradation. Have you ever think of writing lyrics about social shit or religion?
We try to avoid writing lyrics that has something to do with religion. But otherwise we write lyrics about everything that we get ideas from.

10-There were many line-up changes. What are the main reasons? Who is the tyrant leading the uncompromising march of NERLICH?
There are a lot of different reasons for the line-up changes. Lack of time and motivation is the main reason why the line-up changes. One guitarist had a tumour in his hand (and motivation problems) so he quit.
There was also one guitarist, called Jarno, who left the band because he got pissed in us, mainly in me, because we’re saying to him that he must learn the songs and come to rehearsals if we want the things to work etc. He was always playing like shit and we tried to find a replacement for him few times. Then one day I got a childish text message from him where he said to me that I´m a asshole, because I´m complaining about those things I mentioned before and that he will leave the band. But the main reason why things didn´t work with him was that he was just too stupid. I’m the tyrant/leader of NERLICH. But I’ll listen what the other members think of things too.
11-Miikka, you are also involved in KATAPLEXIA as bassist. How do you get in touch with this death metal band? Can you give us some brief words about KATAPLEXIA?
I don’t remember how I get in touch with them. Finnish death metal scene is pretty small so I knew Rodrigo and that way I ended to play in the band. KATAPLEXIA is going to do a small tour in Spain on June and the band is writing new songs at the moment for a new full length album.
12-Does the exposition of mainstream shit of Finland (I mean STRATOVARIUS and CHILDREN OF BODOM for example) help underground acts as NERLICH or CADAVERIC INCUBATOR getting more attention worldwide?
Metal gets more listeners, because it’s so mainstream in Finland, and also that way more people get into the underground stuff too. But I don’t think the mainstream metal bands help underground bands to get attention worldwide.
13-I only know two countries (Finland and Norway) where metal bands reach national charts? Didn’t you find this strange? Don’t you feel metal or at least extreme metal shall remain underground? What’s your view on this?
I don´t like those bands so much who reach the charts, those are mostly that melodic metal style that I don´t like. For me it´s the same if extreme metal, like death metal stays underground or not. It doesn´t change the music, for example OBITUARY´s “Cause of Death” would still be a good record, if everyone owns it or not.
14-Are you interested in black metal? Finland owns few bands like HORNA, BEHEXEN, PEST, BEHERIT, SATANIC WARMASTER, IMPALED NAZARENE… Are you in contact with some of them?
We´re not so interested in black metal. I know most of those bands, but I don´t like black metal so much, except that some black metal bands have very good dark atmosphere in their music. btw, IMPALED NAZARENE plays in the same rehearsal place as we do.
Otherwise we don´t know so much people from black metal scene. NERLICH is more in contact with the punk scene than with black metal.
15-I didn’t know any fucking beer from Finland, anything to recommend? What are your favourite brews? Do you know some foreign alcohols?
Karhu is my favorite Finnish beer. But all of the finnish beers are ok to me. "Salmiakkikossu" is recommended to all foreign people who haven´t got used in the taste of salmiakki.
16-What are you listening while answering my questions? Anything to recommend?
I´m listening to PINK FLOYD´s “Wish you we’re here”. Also the new BOLT THROWER album “Those Once Loyal” has been a lot in my CD-player recently. Those two CDs are recommended.
Some other brilliant records that I recommend:
GORGUTS-“Erosion of Sanity”
PESTILENCE-“Testimony of the Ancients”
ATHEIST-“Unquestionable Presence”
AUTOPSY-“Acts of the Unspeakable”
MILES DAVIS-“Kind of Blue”
17-Well, the degenerating process is over. Thanks a lot for your time. I let you conclude. Hail NERLICH!
We will release our first full length album soon. Check out our homepage for more info about the
upcoming releases:
You can listen to our music for free (full songs) at these two pages:
-s/t demo 2004
-Insane creations – Inorganic echoes demo 2004
-Embalmed madness split CDR with DECOHERENCE & GORGASM (2005)
-Promo 2005
-Defabricated Process CD 2006
-Innards EP 2008
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