54 pages A4 – English written
Another reactivated zine who decided to resurrect its paper skeleton as Burning Abyss stopped its printed activites 8 years ago, then turned to an internet version, and today here is a 6th issue, in A4 format, full english written and printed to 500 copies, so you have no excuses to don't get your copy.
Maciek the editor is a cool guy into extreme metal and whose tastes make me think we could drink beers and talk about metal during hours. So for you metal devourers, here is the menu with chats of: DEATH BREATH, DEAD CONGREGATION, MANTICORE, THRONEUM, NOMAD, Panzerfaust Zine, MANDATORY, VULCANO and a handful more. These discussions turned out good, at least for the bands you feel concerned by, or the most talkative ones which is not the case of VULCANO or THRONEUM, but usually it's pretty interesting, especially when Maciek knows the guys, it helps deepening the grave (REPOSSESSION, NOMAD...). The intie with Panzerfaust is also very good, despite the fact the guy doesn't know if he will release another issue, it seems a bit compromised in my viewpoint, but we'll see...
Reviews wise, there are a shitload (mostly from stuff over 2005), probably too many as some of them seemed to have been completed in a hurry or with some obvious disinterest. The zines reviews show once again the strong culture if fanzining in Poland: 12 Polish zines dissected.
Some stand out articles about classic records appears with some interesting points of view (by Sascha of MANDATORY) about dividing records such as MORTIFICATION or forgotten ones such as EXCRUCIATE “Passage of life” or MALEVOLENT CREATION “Stillborn”.
The whole lay-out and inlay is excellent, in black and grey tones mostly. Some place could have been gained but that's just for finding a complain, héhé! Just a few ads here and there, but not too many. Burning Abyss keeping the fanzine side and avoiding the promozine aspect like Chaos Zine for example.
Maciek is an ardent supporter of the Polish scene and even if sometimes you feel a bit of chauvinism, he proposed something different than shit about VADER or BEHEMOTH, and offers an investigation of less known acts, a good point.
You're highly recommended to get in touch, as Maciek is a motivated trader, and Burning Abyss Zine a serious rag to feature to zine/band/label.
Contact: b_abyss@interria.pl
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