1- Hi there guys in NECROS! Welcome into the horrid pages of Putrefactive Effect. Are you ready for a nasty onlslaught of questions? First tell us what you're going to play while answering those fucking questions.
Hell dude! Yeah we're up to answer your morbid questions, we're ready for that, with coffin nails, beers and a good old AUTOPSY playing!!! Let's go!
2-Well NECROS is a young band, but it's born from the ashes of your previous one TORMENT PAIN. Can you talk about the reasons of this change? What are the major differences between both band?
NECROS is more a kind of continuation of TORMENT PAIN. The death metal played with TP was somekind of basic death metal with no concession, widely influenced by DEATH, AUTOPSY... Today with NECROS it's more some tormented, more malevolent and darker death metal. We simply changed the bandname last year while we were recording the demo “From an endless chaos”. We never really got into that name so we decided it was time to change!
3-You have release a debut demo "To an endless chaos..." with four tracks, which was released soon after as a split tape with your black/death comrades of ABNORM. How came the idea of this split tape? Have you been threatened by uncle GabriHell to release it? From a promotional point of view, i think it's a decent release even if it's spread among really underground maniacs. Do you share this point of view? Do you like the ABNORM part of this split?
GabriHell proposed us to do a split with the ABNORM guys. A great idea! We agreed immediately, coz' we know he does a good job. No need to be threatened any longer ahah! Today it's true that releasing a split tape can seem outdated, it only concerns the underground, but that's the idea! Every bands start this way except the most clever...or those having good contacts! Contrariwise to what people think, the split tape spreads really well, THE SPLIT TAPE IS NOT DEAD! We also have the demo in CDR format for more modern people! We were still in contact with the guys of ABNORM, even before Gab's proposal, we talked about the eventual fact of making a split together. Their tunes are really cool, a fucking mood, fast riffs, really a good band, France needs more bands of that kind. So when Gab asked us to do a split we didn't hesitate!
4- How has been the feedback about your demo or split tape? Was it well received? Do you get contacts/reviews/interviews? Actually most reviews I read come from outside France...Isn't it strange?
Nope that's not strange, that's France! Remember about MASSACRA... almost unknown in France eventhough abroad there are real maniacs of this band! That's the main problem in fact. It's a hard task to make your music known, of course there are associations, labels and independent radios to help you, but there are too few. The “core” scene took an important place here (everywhere in fact!), there's only a little fistful of bands out of this stream, but it's too small to get any attention. Some gigs get organized but it's more and more risky because of the lack of affluence.
What's reassuring is that there are still some people interested by this scene. From our side we got pretty encouraging reviews, quite surprising! The demo has been reviewed in Voices From the Darkside, Necroslaughter, Ignominious Torment, Beowolf Prod and some others. We sent demos to some small labels, but yet nothing concrete happened.

Mhhh...no you're not really wrong. We are huge INCANTATION and IMMOLATION fans, we're mostly inspired by 90's death metal so that's why you can feel this old school side, with bands like ASPHYX, the firsts MORBID ANGEL... Each of us bring his influences in NECROS, that's why you can find this black metal touch too, which is brought by Ben. I don't think that BLOODY SIGN influenced us as well, musically speaking I mean. Those guys are there for years now, they're playing real music, I even think that they don't have the recognition they deserve. I'm not sucking their cock, that's the truth, they are great musicians who master perfectly their instruments and their style. In live situation or on albums, it's a real kick in the ass! Originally their influences are the same as for us today, it's maybe why you find similarities, but that's quite different though.
6-You covered "Anoint the chosen" by the mighty INCANTATION, a track from "The infernal storm" album. It's pretty unusual as people or bands are more into the old releases of INCANTATION like "Onward..." or "Mortal...", but that's a cool cover indeed! What is you viewpoint about INCANTATION and their last albums?
To be honest, I think that all INCANTATION albums kill! Of course their early records are great. Some fucking death metal, heavy, malevolent with this blasphemous side rules supreme! Personally we have never been disappointed by their discography. These guys stayed faithful to the death metal. No change like some bands who tried to get more attention releasing nonsense stuff. Their tracks improved and are more “worked” with time, but their feeling and mood are still there! A real and great killer band!
7- Beside metal in general, do you listen to other kinds of music like rock, indus, ambiant, folk or whatever? Do you think it's important to have a wide panel of influences or on the contrary you can't stand music out of the sphere of metal?
It would be a pity to limit oneself to metal. There is so much great music and bands to discover! We gladly dig LED ZEP, HENDRIX, BLACK SAB, RORY GALLAGHER, the list is too long. 70's psyche rock like KRAAN, SOFT MACHINE or even THE STRAY CATS, some blues with ROBERT JOHNSON, SEASICK STEVE, some jazz... the list is endless. It's good to listen something else than death metal, it's even important I think, it brings new visions and change. It's as exciting as death metal can be, it takes your guts, that's good!
8- Looking at some pictures on your myspace, I saw that Hagend of BLOODY SIGN played with you. Was he helping the band for a gig back then? Was it for a cover song? Tell us everything!
Nothing to deal with, ahah! It's just another musical project we did for different purpose with Hagend, Ludo and Jérôme. It's called PERFECTÖ, just some hard rock!!
9- NECROS played severals gigs according to the flyers I found on the net. How is the mood at you gigs usually? Do people react well while NECROS devastates the stage? What are your conditions to see NECROS playing in our town? The fact that NECROS is located in Colmar must be very helpful as you're near the frontier? Are there any cool bands in your area?
At the beginning of the year we tried to play a lot of gigs to promote the new demo, it was cool we met a lot of great people despite the low affluence... When people don't know you, they're mocking and don't listen to what you play, but that's everywhere the same unfortunately. Conditions? Ah none! You just have to love death metal!!! More seriously, we're not looking to earn money or that kind of shit, we only want more than 2 tickets for a beer and a disgusting sandwich!
It's true that we're well situated here, we're at 15 mn from Germany, 45 mn from Switzerland, it allows us to see gigs that don't happen in France, but actually we didn't have the chance to play abroad. Today we have some plans but nothing sure. In our area we have indeed some bands, but it's often some deathcore once again...ahah! There are of course BLOODY SIGN, the guys of RESISTANCE, but then you have to go further in France to find bands like RITUALIZATION, NECROWRETCH, AFFLICTION GATES, ABNORM, YAYETH CORPSE, BY THE SWORD...
10- Let's talk a bit about the French underground scene, which is swarming in many styles, despite the denial of most people. There are many bands proposing promising demos or releasing good records, and the funny side is that they usually are more know outside France. For example BLOODY SIGN or GOROD have been existing for years now, released albums on foreign labels, and are just having some recognition today, in a relative way of course. Why french metalheads are so reluctant to support their bands according to you? Do you think it's a matter of musical education? Do we have to endure all this faggot emodeathcore bands? Arggghh, fuck that!
As said above, that's the big problem in France. There are some good bands that deserve to get known. It's just that nobody is interested because that doesn't sound like the actual musical stream. I think yes, we'll have to endure emodeathcore for some time!
11- We have seen many veteran bands doing a come-back the past years, like PESTILENCE, ASPHYX, GOREFEST (but they split up again!), ... What's your opinion about these come-backs? Did you like the last PESTILENCE? What are the recent stuff you've discovered lately and you could recommend to our readers?
Yeah the last PESTILENCE isn't real PESTILENCE, impossible to know what happened in the mind of Mameli... On the contrary, the last ASPHYX is simply great! One of the very few bands to remain faithful as they have always stated.

Actually we're working on new tracks for a new demo or maybe an EP, if someone (outside France ahah!) is interested, we hope so!
13- Well guys, we will stop this chat now. I'll let you conclude it.Keep up your impious activities, hail NECROS!
Thanks for the time to prepare this intie, very cool for the promo. Our demo is available for 5 euros postpaid, so here it is, thanks and see you soon!
Contact: Ludovic FOIT – 37 rue du Logelbach – 68000 COLMAR – FRANCE
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