-Bloody greetings my far putrefactive necrophiliac cousin from Montreal!!! How are you doing dude? Let start this fleshripping intie by introducing the readers to your serial-grinding madness! Who, how, when and why all of this happened? And what will you put in your player while answering those shitty questions?
I’m good my French nekrobrother! First of all let me say that your zine is hazardous to mankind and could be used to create a mass murder (it rules!!!). Right now I am listening to a homemade comp. that I have named “The rektal beer bash compilashit” including hits from such renowed bands as GUT, PROSTITUTE DISFIGUREMENT, LAST DAYS OF HUMANITY, REPULSION, BRUJERIA,… and I also have on my TV set (as a background) a very kinky asian porn flic introducing two underage asian girls disposing, in a very poetic way, their fecal matters on each others!!!
On the six strings distortion + vokalz it’s Rednekk Al, a old school headbanging freak with more porn pics in his computer than dude’s named Didier in France.
On the four strings flat bass + vokalz there’s Snutt Bukket, a antisocial chainsaw lover who’s favorite hobie is drunk driving.
And on the grawlz and bongo’s there is me, Retardsickfuk.
For the how, when and why… I rather remain silent until I see my lawyer!!!
-Where did you pick up such a name CARBONIZED 16 YEAR OLD VICTIM? If you were a black metal band, will you use for example a moniker like IMPALED 70-YEAR-OLD PRIEST, ahahah, it would sound blasphemous, wouldn’t it? Maybe not enough serious!
Ha! Ha! Ha! Yea! That’s a good one! We will officially use that 70 year old shit for a traxxx! So look for it very soon!
There is no reason for the band name and if some of you think that this name sux well you are right!!! We’re just three sick retarded nekrofiles who really sux!!!
-Talking about grind/death scene, I only have those names in mind actually, like MESRINE or DAHMER. Can you tell us more about the grindcore/grind death/crust scene in your area and more widely in Quebec? It seems Canada is more famous for its death metal scene with KATAKLYSM, CRYPTOPSY, GORGUTS, QUO VADIS, etc… What about promising bands into grind/gore shit?
About the Canadian death metal scene, I don’t know, I am not much into it!!! To me (I speak for myself), half or even more of these shampoo smelling death metallers are trying to play the mean and dangerous evil bad ass dude and are performing what is to me a not so brutal progressive music type of shit! And I also don’t support a forty-five $ ticket door price and thirty-five $ T-shirt sell-out gigs!!!
For the scene, it almost always grind gigs with a mixture of grind, crust even hardcore gigs, three to six buxs an entry, lots of beer and psychotic headbanging zombies!! We weren’t ask yet to perform at a five foot-high stage death metalling show, I guess they just already know how much I would like to beat the shit out of those sissi ass posers until their brain came out of their noses! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Good promising bands, well there is BIOLOGICAL MONSTROSITY who represent Quebec’s Goregrind!!! Also G.O.D (GROTESQUE ORGAN DEFILEMENT) from Ontario and PUTRESCENCE and that crazy shit named SPERM SWAMP!!!
-Retardsickfuck, while I was investigating about C16V, I saw that you played before in HUMAN RATS and REVOLTED VERMINS. What were the styles of these bands and are they still active? Are there any releases?
Holy shit!!! That’s old shit!!! HUMAN RATS was a grind-crust oriented band influenced by shit like EXTREME NOISE TERROR, SORE THROAT, DISRUPT, old NAPALM DEATH, DOOM… And REVOLTED VERMINS, well they were one of the first speed hardcore bands around here, sound like the first D.R.I, CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER with the legendary Montreal hardcore touch! I did something like three gigs with them, I was fifteen years old. They called me back last year, they wanted to do a reunion show but it didn’t work out! Both of these bands are dead. The only releases were demo tapes. I have also been in ANAL SMEGMA, QUIKOFREZE, LOWELL-HAND and VAGINAL DEFECATION, all grind-noise-shit bands.

-You sent me your only recording which is your Demo 2005 with a rehearsal sound, with a bad sound indeed, although it remains audible. CARBONIZED 16 YEAR OLD VICTIM plays some old school grind/death. What are you musical interests? Which bands can be quoted as the foundations of C16V?
Before the demo 2005, there was a five or six songs promo CDR that was ok. But the demo 2005 really sux! We recorded it in three hours, half of the shitty traxxx weren’t even finished and the soundman suxed! That fuckface was supposed to put on twelve microphones on the drum-kit, it ended up with only three?! And on a tiny sissi jazz drum-kit!!! OK! Yea! Let’s play some brutal shit on a gene crupa drum kit!?! Before the recording session we started to drink alcoholic fluids and the stoned toothless hippie soundmen asked: “So, how many traxxx are you recording? Three or four?” So we said: “Heu! Morelike twenty six!!! So he started freaking out and did a shitty job!!! So the only thing I have to say about the CARBONIZED 16 YEAR OLD VICTIM demo 2005 is…it really sux!!!
The musical interest, for myself, sick brutal underground shit!!! And the C16V foundation: BLOOD DUSTER, G.G. ALLIN, MORTICIAN, PROSTITUTE DISFIGUREMENT, HOLOCAUSTO CANNIBAL…
-Your music deals with gore, serial killers as well as more humoristic themes. A bit like your music which is not fully grind oriented coz’ you add death metal elements. Even a song like “My own victim” is more doom/death oriented. AUTOPSY/ABSCESS also has similar approach. Do you feel close to them? Do you also consume whiskey and weed as a fuel for composition?
Well yea! I guess we are the same quind of fucked up retarted!!! Gore, serial killerz and sick porn are the shit, we are down with, so it’s normal to do traxxx about it! We pretty much hate everyone so again it’s normal to do traxxxabout torturing and murdering some fuckfaced shit heads! And yeah, we are serious alcoholics!
-In you letter you mentioned upcoming releases: (maybe these are out while we are discussing right now!) an album shall be released and a split tape as well with Brazilian HARMONY FAULT. Can you tell us more? Which label will eventually release this stuff?
The HARMONY FAULT (Brazil) / CARBONIZED 16 YEAR OLD VICTIM live split tape will be out in 2008. This tape is a Rotten Foetus Prod.(Brazil) production. We also have an album we did independently and probably other lay-out by 2008!!!
-Tell us how many gigs you played with your band. Which bands share the stage with you? How is the mood at gigs? Metalheads become frenzy, drink until death, destroy the place, impale priests after your gigs, uh?
At our last gig (with EXCRETED COWBOYS ANNILBLORTZ), a dude got his head split!!! No shit! So it can become fucking brutal!!! Of course everyone get’s drunk and feel like destroying everything!
We haven’t done a lot of shows, around six, we share the butchery with bands like: BIOLOGICAL MONSTROSITY, EVERYONEIKNOWMUSTDIE, APOCALIPTICAL APPROACH, ELECTROCUTIONERDZ, 1.99, CRIPPLE CREW and a lot of other fucked up psychopath!!!

Yea, Keegan is cool, I’ve been in contact with that freak. There is that sick dude of SPERM SWAMP who got a nice distro, lots of blood clothed shit, one of the G.O.D. syko also got the real shit in his distro.
-I’ve been to your website to check more infos and look at the pictures. You will say I am retarded but your guitar player, Rednek Al, he looks like Georges “Corpsegrinder” Fisher of CANNIBAL CORPSE! Am I the only person to find a resemblance?? Or maybe I got a scoop and this is the real one, hehe!
Ha! Ha! Ha! That’s good!!! I’ve never taught about that!!! Rednekk Al’s gona like this one, he’s a big CANNIBAL CORPSE fan! And when I say big, I am also talking about his enormous pus-filled beer belly! As soon as he gets out of prison, I’ll ask him about it!!!
-Which gigs have you been lately? Do some French bands regularly visit Montreal? I guess GOJIRA came once?
I went to CANNIBAL CORPSE (that’s weird!?!) and I also tried to attend the REGURGITATED (with MESRINE) gig but shit… I was too drunk and sick!!! So the only shit I saw that night was “Dirty debutante vol. four” with Vick’s on my balls!!! I don’t know if GOJIRA came but if they did, I hope it was more than once and that it was one hell of a cumshot!!!
-What are your contacts with France? You seem to know several bands from here? Do you know gore/grind band PULMONARY FIBROSIS? Did you ever taste some French products (not beer of course!), like our wine for example?
First of all, wine is for queers!!! One of my French neckrobrother is Matt Mouezy from ACID AMPUTATION and Rednekk Al is in contact with Guillaume from GORYPTIC, lately I’ve contacted Medhi from L.A.R.D.O.N. France have a lot of good crazy ass grinders!!!
I’ve been drunk a couple of time with that French beer Cronenbourg.
I have also tasted once the hot melting fluids of a French stripper called Alanus Morisett!
Vive la France!!!
And by the way, that French movie “Haute tension” fucking rules!!!
-I’m running out of questions, so let us know what will happen to C16V in end 2007/2008?
Well pretty much getting drunk and play around with our weiners! Probably another album, we have some gigs settled up for 2008. And we also are planning a mass murder but that will be a surprise!!!
-Hey Ti-Jean, I think I should stop here with my stupid questions! I guess you have better things to do, right? Going to rehearsals, drink some litres of beer or whatever. Final words are yours. A la prochaine lointain cousin!!! Keep on grinding in the shitty world!
Kill, fuck and eat!!!
Contact: Ti-Jean – 1877 Av. William David – MONTREAL, QC – HIV 2S2 - CANADA
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