Demo CD 2007 – Skullfucking Metal Records
6 tracks - 46'58
Rated: 7/10
Wow, some death metal coming from the bad reputated land of Philippines due to a bunch of fucking rip-offs. Fortunately I have enough informations from various zines to know these guys (including two members of thrash metal band NEGATRON) are reliable and honest metal-heads.
So PATHOGEN is a death metal act influenced by the end 80's/early 90's death metal, and this demo (originally released in 2004 but re-released by Keegan Enterprise) has some good moments and promising potential.
The first track « Ritual sodomy » sounds like some early MORBID ANGEL (a mix of « Altars... » and « Covenant »), with evil riffing and great guitars solos (not as genius as Trey but good indeed), just the vocals are somewhat different, quite common guttural vokills, a bit in the SINISTER vein « Cross the Styx). Second assault « Necrovore » still in the MORBID ANGEL vein with a thrashy edge reminding the great POSSESSED. The end of the track surprinsingly had a kind of outro a like ENTOMBED's « Left hand path », the resemblance is confusing but it's awesome. Third track « Sacrilegious profanation » is the same blasting old school death metal à la MORBID ANGEL coupled with more DEATH like parts (tchuka tchuka drumming), some slowdowns and haunting lead guitars, giving a sinister mood. Fourth track « Descent into dementia » is more in the early DEATH vein, with simple and common riffs, probably the weakest track of the demo. There is an unidentified fifth track combining the different elements mentioned above....wait I wonder if that's not a cover? No, in fact it's a track named « Pestilent infestor » whose particularity is having a dark and cold melodic bridge that reminds me what can be heard in FUNEBRE or GOREMENT, it's why I was wondering that wasn't a cover from this kind of band. As bonus there is more 20 minutes of liveshit with average sound (and the unavoidable cover of « Countess Bathory »), it lenghtened the demo a bit but for those who can't get enough metal of death, I guess that will please them.
To conclude, PATHOGEN is an interesting and promising band that shall digest a bit more its influences (MORBID ANGEL and AUTOPSY) if they are able to propose more personal but deathly things. Worth the listening!
Contact: Willie DESAMERO - #4 Fule Sahagun St. - San Pablo City – Laguna – 4000 PHILIPPINES
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