1.Hi there Stefano, hope you’re doing well right now? We’re here to talk about Prayer Book Zine and your other activities. I think it’s necessary to introduce our readers to your Zine. When did everything started back then? Is Prayer Book Zine your first attempt in the underground writings?
First I want to thank you for this opportunity. Now I will answer to your questions under the sabbathical influence of a total masterpiece of PURE Black METAL (NOT art): Mystifier “wicca”, just Occult, unholy and Obscure Black Metal shit… well my friend, the label is started in 97-98, after that I was in contact with many Italian bands, I decided to buy an handful of tapes from these bands and I created my first mailorder-list, If I remember well, with 6-7 titles all in tapes and probably only one CD. Sincerely I don’t know why I created a label, but I think because I was bored from commercial scum, and maybe I would to become famous, hahaha! Like every underground maniax, are forced to work inside the movement… PrayerBook is born 2000 by me and Francesca, I write some things like interviews or reviews and many live report for others Italian fanzines in the second half of the 90s but when I met Francesca we decided to start a fanzine reflecting totally our musical taste, without thinking about supporting one or another band, but just what we like about extreme metal and not only, just independent and reflecting a little bit our position about the UG of today.
2.You have released your 3rd issue in 2007, in the purest cut n’ paste underground style and in full glossy paper. Arghhh!!! This must be quite expensive to print it that way! How many copies are printed of each issue?
The problem is that in 8 years we have released only 3 issues, and this last one with a very huge delay, caused also by some organization problems. Sincerely I don’t know exactly how many copies we have spread of the previous two issues, I think more than 200/250 copies of each, and people still asking for them. For me is great that you liked this new issue, personally I think is not our best one, some stuff is a little bit old/dated, some interviews are not really cool, and the main problem is that is full of translation errors or simply not well organized: we have forgot/lost to include many reviews (sorry again Adam/Necroscope), we have throw away interviews that now we have 4 years of delay and other things like that, at the end, we have noticed that the stuff in our hands was too old, I sent some stuff to other fanzines, but sincerely I don’t know if they have used our pages or not, I lost their contacts… But at the end we have decided to put out the 3rd issue pro-done, just for selling it at low price, in fact without postage the zine cost 2 euros, we have pressed 1000 copies totally impossible to distribute, hahaha!!!!! But we want to work in this way also for the future.
The problem is that in 8 years we have released only 3 issues, and this last one with a very huge delay, caused also by some organization problems. Sincerely I don’t know exactly how many copies we have spread of the previous two issues, I think more than 200/250 copies of each, and people still asking for them. For me is great that you liked this new issue, personally I think is not our best one, some stuff is a little bit old/dated, some interviews are not really cool, and the main problem is that is full of translation errors or simply not well organized: we have forgot/lost to include many reviews (sorry again Adam/Necroscope), we have throw away interviews that now we have 4 years of delay and other things like that, at the end, we have noticed that the stuff in our hands was too old, I sent some stuff to other fanzines, but sincerely I don’t know if they have used our pages or not, I lost their contacts… But at the end we have decided to put out the 3rd issue pro-done, just for selling it at low price, in fact without postage the zine cost 2 euros, we have pressed 1000 copies totally impossible to distribute, hahaha!!!!! But we want to work in this way also for the future.
3.When interviewing bands I often ask about their musical influences, as for your zine it’s quite different but you probably have been inspired by old fanzines so which zines were the foundations of Prayer Book Zine? What was the very first zine you got hold?
Personally I don’t remember the first fanzine I bought, but sure was Italian one, I think it could be an issue of Malleus Maleficarum (later Black Tears of Death) or the early issues of Eternal Rest with the classic comp. Tape that I never received (later Northern Darkness rec.), but I never liked the Italian style, they supporting only the scene of my country, or very radikal shit! I was totally shocked by the first issue of DESECRATION OF VIRGIN, so full of unknown exotic bands and the fuking killer artwork on cut’n’paste that we love, so I think is our best influence, also like Tales of The Macabre, both are two of all times my favourite fanzines, with 100% bands that I like especially on DOV, that reflect my love for the exotic Metal. Many years ago I see one times Slayer mag., I liked very much the artwork, but an issue with almost only big Norwegian bands, in a period when I started to hate this metal business, if I remember well I’ve also written a letter to Metalion, but without any answer, so I lost my interest for this kult zine.
4.How are chosen the bands that feature you summaries in Prayer Book Zine as you’re two individuals (you and Francesca) heading the zine? What are the “characteristics” of each of you, do you share the same taste in music or one is more death and doom metal and the other more black and thrash metal for example?
It’s difficult to answer exactly, starting by the fact that we’re not the so-called “die hards”, as you can see on the first page of the zine we listen many different styles of music, usually we create an interview draft by ourselves, and later we arrange the full interviews together. Of course I’m more into the South-American black death metal for example and Francesca is more into Crust, old HardCore styles, but I like that style too, so we decided by ourselves the bands we want to interview, and also for some promos we receive, when I’m full of stuff to listen I give some to Francesca e vice versa, without any sort of problem.
Personally I don’t remember the first fanzine I bought, but sure was Italian one, I think it could be an issue of Malleus Maleficarum (later Black Tears of Death) or the early issues of Eternal Rest with the classic comp. Tape that I never received (later Northern Darkness rec.), but I never liked the Italian style, they supporting only the scene of my country, or very radikal shit! I was totally shocked by the first issue of DESECRATION OF VIRGIN, so full of unknown exotic bands and the fuking killer artwork on cut’n’paste that we love, so I think is our best influence, also like Tales of The Macabre, both are two of all times my favourite fanzines, with 100% bands that I like especially on DOV, that reflect my love for the exotic Metal. Many years ago I see one times Slayer mag., I liked very much the artwork, but an issue with almost only big Norwegian bands, in a period when I started to hate this metal business, if I remember well I’ve also written a letter to Metalion, but without any answer, so I lost my interest for this kult zine.
4.How are chosen the bands that feature you summaries in Prayer Book Zine as you’re two individuals (you and Francesca) heading the zine? What are the “characteristics” of each of you, do you share the same taste in music or one is more death and doom metal and the other more black and thrash metal for example?
It’s difficult to answer exactly, starting by the fact that we’re not the so-called “die hards”, as you can see on the first page of the zine we listen many different styles of music, usually we create an interview draft by ourselves, and later we arrange the full interviews together. Of course I’m more into the South-American black death metal for example and Francesca is more into Crust, old HardCore styles, but I like that style too, so we decided by ourselves the bands we want to interview, and also for some promos we receive, when I’m full of stuff to listen I give some to Francesca e vice versa, without any sort of problem.
5.About the music styles in Prayer Book Zine, one can see a certain diversity: black metal, doom, grind/crust, death metal, thrash metal…are there styles that wouldn’t fit the zine like Indus music, ambient stuff or harsh/noise for example? Which are your limitations in Prayer Book Zine? Which bands are automatically banned from Prayer Book Zine?
The music styles you mentioned above are of course not welcomed in Prayer Book pages, of course when we receive a promo of this stuff, we can make a reviews, but the 99,9% of the probabilities it will be a negative review, we have no prejudices, but simply we don’t like this kind of music, like Gothic, symphonic, electronic…I like some bands influenced by noise, my favourite are Skar from Mexico, they play a sort of ritualistic black metal noise influenced by Black Mass of Absu, also some Gonkulator, and probably other bands that in this moment I don’t see on my collection. Of course this is a “limitation” for PrayerBook, but we want to create a sort of “analogical” fanzine, with real bands formed by guitars, bass, human drummer and vocals, bands with at first the classic instruments, but all influenced by different styles, so I think an ambient project is banned by our zine, of course we prefer to make an interview with Iron Maiden instead of Dimmu Borgir, I think you know what I mean! We are open-mind with some limitations, haha!
The music styles you mentioned above are of course not welcomed in Prayer Book pages, of course when we receive a promo of this stuff, we can make a reviews, but the 99,9% of the probabilities it will be a negative review, we have no prejudices, but simply we don’t like this kind of music, like Gothic, symphonic, electronic…I like some bands influenced by noise, my favourite are Skar from Mexico, they play a sort of ritualistic black metal noise influenced by Black Mass of Absu, also some Gonkulator, and probably other bands that in this moment I don’t see on my collection. Of course this is a “limitation” for PrayerBook, but we want to create a sort of “analogical” fanzine, with real bands formed by guitars, bass, human drummer and vocals, bands with at first the classic instruments, but all influenced by different styles, so I think an ambient project is banned by our zine, of course we prefer to make an interview with Iron Maiden instead of Dimmu Borgir, I think you know what I mean! We are open-mind with some limitations, haha!
6.In the editorial of your last issue, you made a statement about the changes and evolutions of the underground scene. You also pointed out the hard task of getting reply to your interviews. To be honest, even if I had less experience I feel a change as well and the same difficulties to get my inties back. What are your worst deceptions about interviews you sent but never get back? On the contrary which bands you interviewed, you are the most proud of?
Yes my friend, in the last 4-5 years the underground is changed again, this is not a new story, I think every 15 years the UG change completely, bands like Blasphemy or Profanatica, 7-8 years ago, were almost forgotten, you could find the stuff at cheapest prices, because the most part of the underground listened a different black metal style like Judas Iscariot or Moonblood, and today the UG ask for bands that play like Conqueror or Revenge, but is it still underground or a new fashion? Now in any bands’ play list there are only Blasphemy, Beherit, Conqueror and stuff like that, it’s not a negative thing, as you can see from our pages, we still love the bands mentioned, but the same people that before listened only norsecore black metal today only Canadian style, isn’t it true? Personally I think the real problem of the UG today is this kind of friendship only with people like you. Today it’s difficult to see on the thanx list of the new bands different kind of bands style, I hope you understand what I mean. So now with the advent of internet, the UG changed radically and quickly, I don’t know why, but more and more bands don’t answer to letters or fuking e-mails. I understand when you write to old dead bands and you don’t receive a reply, because they could not more interested or others things, but when you don’t receive answers from new acclaimed bands it’s very frustrated for us and a pathetic behaviour by the bands. During these years many interviews were never answered, I don’t remember anyone in particular, but of course the ones that disappointed me more are those we have sent to the bands we were previously in contact, and maybe after we sent the interview, they never more answer us. But this is the proof that these bands are not into the UG for passion, but only for a position, won in the easiest and cheapest way possible, at the end the same as the rock stars…don’t you think?
I still like when new/old bands answer to my letters or questions, I don’t know the interview we’re most proud, but I think Mortem, NunSlaughter, Cianide, Haemorrhage, Revenant, Driller Killer, Deceased, Varathron, NocturnalVomit, Sargatanas, Morbosidad and others, instead of others that I regret due to the questions were few and foreseen, maybe all the rest hahaha!
Yes my friend, in the last 4-5 years the underground is changed again, this is not a new story, I think every 15 years the UG change completely, bands like Blasphemy or Profanatica, 7-8 years ago, were almost forgotten, you could find the stuff at cheapest prices, because the most part of the underground listened a different black metal style like Judas Iscariot or Moonblood, and today the UG ask for bands that play like Conqueror or Revenge, but is it still underground or a new fashion? Now in any bands’ play list there are only Blasphemy, Beherit, Conqueror and stuff like that, it’s not a negative thing, as you can see from our pages, we still love the bands mentioned, but the same people that before listened only norsecore black metal today only Canadian style, isn’t it true? Personally I think the real problem of the UG today is this kind of friendship only with people like you. Today it’s difficult to see on the thanx list of the new bands different kind of bands style, I hope you understand what I mean. So now with the advent of internet, the UG changed radically and quickly, I don’t know why, but more and more bands don’t answer to letters or fuking e-mails. I understand when you write to old dead bands and you don’t receive a reply, because they could not more interested or others things, but when you don’t receive answers from new acclaimed bands it’s very frustrated for us and a pathetic behaviour by the bands. During these years many interviews were never answered, I don’t remember anyone in particular, but of course the ones that disappointed me more are those we have sent to the bands we were previously in contact, and maybe after we sent the interview, they never more answer us. But this is the proof that these bands are not into the UG for passion, but only for a position, won in the easiest and cheapest way possible, at the end the same as the rock stars…don’t you think?
I still like when new/old bands answer to my letters or questions, I don’t know the interview we’re most proud, but I think Mortem, NunSlaughter, Cianide, Haemorrhage, Revenant, Driller Killer, Deceased, Varathron, NocturnalVomit, Sargatanas, Morbosidad and others, instead of others that I regret due to the questions were few and foreseen, maybe all the rest hahaha!
7.Stefano, you have also a distribution activity with a killer list of underground stuff, and you release stuff through your label TERROR FROM HELL Records. When the idea of TFH records came out? You released tapes of bands such as OSSUARY, EVILNASTY, NECROCCULTUS, T-shirts of REVENANT, ORDER FROM CHAOS… but also vinyl with the NOCTURNAL VOMIT EP and the upcoming re-release of SARGATANAS “The enlightenment” on DLP. Usually how things are proceeding to release stuff from a band? Are there bands that refuse to cooperate with you? You release mostly tape and vinyl format, why are you so attached to these formats? Is it a way to stay apart of the actual scene which seemed to be more into business than real passion?
As I write in the first question, I started the label in 97-98, my first release was a fuking CD in 99 for an Italian band, but after that I was not really satisfied at all about this format, so I decided to release at first tapes and later vinyls. I started with the Dunkel Nacht demo in 2000 but under another label moniker (harrowing soul prod.), so after this tape I decided to change the moniker just because I thought TFH was a better name for my tastes and also because we really love the old horror Italian movies. In ten years I never realized too much stuff, only one-two releases every year, nothing more. This is the proof that I’m out of the business, my work in TFH is simple when I’ve money I do something. When I started my activity in the UG (before the Label) like all the maniax of the last good period, we’re great tapes and vinyl traders, and sincerely both are still my favourite formats, especially the tapes. In my collection I think to have more than 1500 original tapes and the same for vinyls, but not for collection or quantity, but simply because I like really what I listen. Yes, I agree with you, the actual scene is a total business not more a real passion, today for a young band clone of the most shit sound on the planet, have not difficult to get according for a release, so today there are more people that play in bands or running a label that releasing Cds every week, than people that buy stuff, for the actual scene is difficult to absorb all the tons of releases. In the old times almost every UG label press their stuff in more than 1000/2000 copies, most of the old limited edition EPs are limited to 1000 copies, not 300 or 500, today is very difficult to distribute all of these copies, if you think that bands like Necrodeath don’t sell more than 4500 copies worldwide, when today they are considered for the Underground a “commercial” band. Personally I don’t understand this new underground, but we are inside it, so I think it’s almost impossible to be immune to the changes, just think it has been stopped the tape manufacture, so for people like me it is a problem. You can see every band on the planet on internet, so through the years still less people go to see gigs…At the end it’s the Commercial Scum that force you to change!
As I write in the first question, I started the label in 97-98, my first release was a fuking CD in 99 for an Italian band, but after that I was not really satisfied at all about this format, so I decided to release at first tapes and later vinyls. I started with the Dunkel Nacht demo in 2000 but under another label moniker (harrowing soul prod.), so after this tape I decided to change the moniker just because I thought TFH was a better name for my tastes and also because we really love the old horror Italian movies. In ten years I never realized too much stuff, only one-two releases every year, nothing more. This is the proof that I’m out of the business, my work in TFH is simple when I’ve money I do something. When I started my activity in the UG (before the Label) like all the maniax of the last good period, we’re great tapes and vinyl traders, and sincerely both are still my favourite formats, especially the tapes. In my collection I think to have more than 1500 original tapes and the same for vinyls, but not for collection or quantity, but simply because I like really what I listen. Yes, I agree with you, the actual scene is a total business not more a real passion, today for a young band clone of the most shit sound on the planet, have not difficult to get according for a release, so today there are more people that play in bands or running a label that releasing Cds every week, than people that buy stuff, for the actual scene is difficult to absorb all the tons of releases. In the old times almost every UG label press their stuff in more than 1000/2000 copies, most of the old limited edition EPs are limited to 1000 copies, not 300 or 500, today is very difficult to distribute all of these copies, if you think that bands like Necrodeath don’t sell more than 4500 copies worldwide, when today they are considered for the Underground a “commercial” band. Personally I don’t understand this new underground, but we are inside it, so I think it’s almost impossible to be immune to the changes, just think it has been stopped the tape manufacture, so for people like me it is a problem. You can see every band on the planet on internet, so through the years still less people go to see gigs…At the end it’s the Commercial Scum that force you to change!

Well, personally I don’t see too much effort in all my label, but surely for the fanzine, it is really much more tiring makes interviews and be careful to don’t repeat the same questions or something like that, organizing the trades with sceptic labels that don’t sell well the fanzines…We’re totally independent so we haven’t official distributors and we want to still remain in this way, almost-DIY…Yes my friend, I think that is harder to edit a fanzine than a label or distro. In more than ten years of underground with my label not many fuking people ripped-me-off, I don’t remember their names a part from Iron Fist Kommando rec. (fuking poor idiot!) and never a great amount of stuff, never more than 10 titles, except for the great Wild Rags (yes for me Richard is still great!) that rip-me-off 10-15 cds and the same quantity of tapes in ’99. I hate all the shits in the ug that ask stuff for free without sending back anything, they think to became rich after selling 10 cds or one tape took for free?! What kind of life is this, just fuking parasites of the society! R.I.P. off - FUK off!!!
Probably some people around the globe consider me as a rip-off because they never receive my answers, but you have to consider that there could be possible postal problems to send and also to receive… I still answered to all the letters I receive.
9.When it comes to your metal scene, such names as NECRODEATH (I worship this band, even if their late records didn’t reach “Mater of all evil” kick-ass potential!), MORTUARY DRAPE, BLASPHEMOPHAGHER, NEFAS, NATRON, CRIPPLE BASTARDS, SEPTYCAL GORGE, HOUR OF PENANCE, … Which bands, actually need to be supported according to you? Can you name new promising acts from Italy? Are there good fanzines out there?
I know personally all the bands you’ve mentioned especially Mortuary Drape, Cripple Bastards, Blasphemophagher and Nefas that we are all good friends and they have all my respect. About Necrodeath I love “Into The Macabre” debut album, but the demo “the shining pentagram” is fuking amazing, one of my favourite 80s demos, the other stuff recorded by the band never convinced me so much. The actual Italian scene is poor I think, I don’t know other fanzines except for Bylek-tum zine, that personally I don’t like so much, the best one is Nuclear Abomination a kult fanzine with only two issues out, also a new little fanzine called Nuclear Apocalypse is good, but the Italian scene is poor of fanzines, but on the other hand you can read too many shit web-pages called “web-zines” written by people that never bought an ug stuff, but when you speak in person with this guys, they think to know everything…fuk them all. About new hordes, the last demos I listened of good Italian bands are of sure Necrovomit and Mefitic, others not “new” bands that for me are promising are Unctoris, they have self-released a MLP and a live demo of good morbid black metal, also bands like Eroded influenced a lot by the swe-death metal style, two killer demos released, Voids of Vomit, old us- style brutal death metal, Masturbacion Cristiana all Ecuadorian guys plays black metal in Italy, killers! The new Fornace trax are very good for me, after two great demos of Hellenic influenced death black metal, also Torment plays great Thrash Metal a self released pro-cd is out, the debut pro-CD (still selfreleased) of Death Mechanism for lovers of the Speed Thrash Metal is very killer and many others, but for me the best new band from Italy are Children of Technology, pure fuking motorcharge, I hope to work with this band for the future. There is also a hard scene of fascist/ns black metal bands, all with the same sound: if it’s not Burzum is Darkthrone style with only intolerance but nothing constructive, more political than musical so I’m totally out of this “elite” of shit, in fact Prayer Book ‘zine don’t sell well in Italy, hehehe!
10.You are in contact with numerous fanzines editors. How do you witness the evolution of fanzines in 10 years? Are there Zines you loved back in the day and that has disappeared today or that disappointed you? Which are your favourite ones actually? Are you interested by some webzines?
Yes my friend, we’re in contact with many fanzines around the world and when we receive flyers, we like to write them asking for trades or buying the ‘zine. Personally I haven’t noticed so many changes from the fanzines of ten years ago and the ones of today. Of course now fanzine are printed better, more readable but the main thing that I see is that in too many aren’t written all the contacts of the bands/labels…only fuking web sites. It’s surely the worst difference, also because 10 years ago or more not everybody have got a web site or e-mail contact but some times I understand that are the bands that ask to write it or maybe on the releases there is only this kind of contact, so fuk! Years ago the fanzines are created for pure support of the scene and of course a lot of passion, today there is only passion because the scene is supported by internet. I don’t remember if there are fanzines that disappointed me today or years ago, usually the most part of the zines have a short life with only 2-3 issues (it’s not guarantee that we will do the 4th issue, haha!)(Hey dude, I am waiting for it!!! – Jim), so it’s difficult to disappoint me, also because there are many great zines that I love, like Necroscope that for me is the best informative zine in the world, Orfismo, Black Blood, Occult Bleeding, Impact Drill, Complete Necro, Possessed Tormentor, Putrefactive Effect of course, Mandragora, Bloody, Pathologically Explicit, Bleak, Shrunken and Mummified, Black Plague, Necromaniac, Temple of Adoration, Vampir, Nuclear Abomination and many others that are very good and full of insane bands/information. No I’m sorry but I’ve never read a web-zine, I don’t like to read an interview or review in front of a fuking PC, the only site that I see some times is metal-archives.com just for see the discography of the bands I like, nothing more!
11.Have you ever faced troubles with bands or labels because of a bad review? Do you think it still possible for a zine editor to remain 100% objective while writing a review? What is your process for writing reviews, which elements do you take in account because there are differences between a demo and a LP review for example?
Oh yes, troubles with bands and labels are usual, nothing serious of course, but when a label send you some professional CDs as promos and you don’t do a positive review at all, it’s possible that you will not receive anymore promos from this label or band. Also my releases have got many negative reviews, but it’s normal, not everyone has got the same tastes. Of course we trying to do objective reviews at 100%, but sometimes, you respect more the band than their music, so some reviews are a little bit “influenced” by friendship and respect, but certainly when a record is a shit, is a shit at all! Of course we think that fanzine editors are more objective that a big commercial magazine, no labels pay spaces on our pages, so we haven’t to support any specific label or band that we don’t like. The reviews process is simple for us, in fact our reviews are too short, and there is written our point of view about the stuff we listen in that moment. I think to have a little bit difficulties about the classic black metal, just because is not my favourite style, so sometimes I don’t know how to describe a Black Metal release due to I don’t listen so much this genre, I like it but at the same time I don’t like, I haven’t go so much knowledge about this raw black metal style, so I think sometimes I don’t write correct reviews, but is normal when you don’t listen so much a genre. In any case we don’t do so many differences between demos or cds or vinyls, but we can take into consideration when a band is new at the early recordings for listening with more attention their stuff.
I know personally all the bands you’ve mentioned especially Mortuary Drape, Cripple Bastards, Blasphemophagher and Nefas that we are all good friends and they have all my respect. About Necrodeath I love “Into The Macabre” debut album, but the demo “the shining pentagram” is fuking amazing, one of my favourite 80s demos, the other stuff recorded by the band never convinced me so much. The actual Italian scene is poor I think, I don’t know other fanzines except for Bylek-tum zine, that personally I don’t like so much, the best one is Nuclear Abomination a kult fanzine with only two issues out, also a new little fanzine called Nuclear Apocalypse is good, but the Italian scene is poor of fanzines, but on the other hand you can read too many shit web-pages called “web-zines” written by people that never bought an ug stuff, but when you speak in person with this guys, they think to know everything…fuk them all. About new hordes, the last demos I listened of good Italian bands are of sure Necrovomit and Mefitic, others not “new” bands that for me are promising are Unctoris, they have self-released a MLP and a live demo of good morbid black metal, also bands like Eroded influenced a lot by the swe-death metal style, two killer demos released, Voids of Vomit, old us- style brutal death metal, Masturbacion Cristiana all Ecuadorian guys plays black metal in Italy, killers! The new Fornace trax are very good for me, after two great demos of Hellenic influenced death black metal, also Torment plays great Thrash Metal a self released pro-cd is out, the debut pro-CD (still selfreleased) of Death Mechanism for lovers of the Speed Thrash Metal is very killer and many others, but for me the best new band from Italy are Children of Technology, pure fuking motorcharge, I hope to work with this band for the future. There is also a hard scene of fascist/ns black metal bands, all with the same sound: if it’s not Burzum is Darkthrone style with only intolerance but nothing constructive, more political than musical so I’m totally out of this “elite” of shit, in fact Prayer Book ‘zine don’t sell well in Italy, hehehe!
10.You are in contact with numerous fanzines editors. How do you witness the evolution of fanzines in 10 years? Are there Zines you loved back in the day and that has disappeared today or that disappointed you? Which are your favourite ones actually? Are you interested by some webzines?
Yes my friend, we’re in contact with many fanzines around the world and when we receive flyers, we like to write them asking for trades or buying the ‘zine. Personally I haven’t noticed so many changes from the fanzines of ten years ago and the ones of today. Of course now fanzine are printed better, more readable but the main thing that I see is that in too many aren’t written all the contacts of the bands/labels…only fuking web sites. It’s surely the worst difference, also because 10 years ago or more not everybody have got a web site or e-mail contact but some times I understand that are the bands that ask to write it or maybe on the releases there is only this kind of contact, so fuk! Years ago the fanzines are created for pure support of the scene and of course a lot of passion, today there is only passion because the scene is supported by internet. I don’t remember if there are fanzines that disappointed me today or years ago, usually the most part of the zines have a short life with only 2-3 issues (it’s not guarantee that we will do the 4th issue, haha!)(Hey dude, I am waiting for it!!! – Jim), so it’s difficult to disappoint me, also because there are many great zines that I love, like Necroscope that for me is the best informative zine in the world, Orfismo, Black Blood, Occult Bleeding, Impact Drill, Complete Necro, Possessed Tormentor, Putrefactive Effect of course, Mandragora, Bloody, Pathologically Explicit, Bleak, Shrunken and Mummified, Black Plague, Necromaniac, Temple of Adoration, Vampir, Nuclear Abomination and many others that are very good and full of insane bands/information. No I’m sorry but I’ve never read a web-zine, I don’t like to read an interview or review in front of a fuking PC, the only site that I see some times is metal-archives.com just for see the discography of the bands I like, nothing more!
11.Have you ever faced troubles with bands or labels because of a bad review? Do you think it still possible for a zine editor to remain 100% objective while writing a review? What is your process for writing reviews, which elements do you take in account because there are differences between a demo and a LP review for example?
Oh yes, troubles with bands and labels are usual, nothing serious of course, but when a label send you some professional CDs as promos and you don’t do a positive review at all, it’s possible that you will not receive anymore promos from this label or band. Also my releases have got many negative reviews, but it’s normal, not everyone has got the same tastes. Of course we trying to do objective reviews at 100%, but sometimes, you respect more the band than their music, so some reviews are a little bit “influenced” by friendship and respect, but certainly when a record is a shit, is a shit at all! Of course we think that fanzine editors are more objective that a big commercial magazine, no labels pay spaces on our pages, so we haven’t to support any specific label or band that we don’t like. The reviews process is simple for us, in fact our reviews are too short, and there is written our point of view about the stuff we listen in that moment. I think to have a little bit difficulties about the classic black metal, just because is not my favourite style, so sometimes I don’t know how to describe a Black Metal release due to I don’t listen so much this genre, I like it but at the same time I don’t like, I haven’t go so much knowledge about this raw black metal style, so I think sometimes I don’t write correct reviews, but is normal when you don’t listen so much a genre. In any case we don’t do so many differences between demos or cds or vinyls, but we can take into consideration when a band is new at the early recordings for listening with more attention their stuff.
12.Beside the label and the zine, are you (or have you been) involved in a band? Do you think that playing of an instrument is helpful for running a zine or a label?
In the middle of 90s my intention was to create a band with the name Harrowing Soul, but I’ve never found serious people to play with and honestly I wasn’t seriously intentioned to learn to play bass-guitar. So after some years I’ve decided to create a label with the same moniker. In 2002 Francesca and me, we have played both in Fornace: me at vocals and Francesca at guitar for some reh. trax (maybe one day those rehearsal will be released on a 7ep, but I think the band it’s not interested at all). But we left the band because we haven’t so much time to dedicate to Fornace. During these years we have planned some riffs for a possible Doom Metal band (it has been always one of my favourite styles), with me at vocals/bass and Francesca at guitars, but we have not time to dedicate to another project, we hope in a future to release some fuking tapes and vinyls….Surely some times it could help you (fanzine editor) having an instrument knowledge, but I think it’s not so important, the music is just what you like and if you like old Profanatica (with a lot of guitars errors) is not a problem, the good music is just what bang your head.
In the middle of 90s my intention was to create a band with the name Harrowing Soul, but I’ve never found serious people to play with and honestly I wasn’t seriously intentioned to learn to play bass-guitar. So after some years I’ve decided to create a label with the same moniker. In 2002 Francesca and me, we have played both in Fornace: me at vocals and Francesca at guitar for some reh. trax (maybe one day those rehearsal will be released on a 7ep, but I think the band it’s not interested at all). But we left the band because we haven’t so much time to dedicate to Fornace. During these years we have planned some riffs for a possible Doom Metal band (it has been always one of my favourite styles), with me at vocals/bass and Francesca at guitars, but we have not time to dedicate to another project, we hope in a future to release some fuking tapes and vinyls….Surely some times it could help you (fanzine editor) having an instrument knowledge, but I think it’s not so important, the music is just what you like and if you like old Profanatica (with a lot of guitars errors) is not a problem, the good music is just what bang your head.
13.What are your contacts with France? Do you know any zines, distros or bands with whom you used to work/trade with? Do you like French products like wine (I don’t ask about our beers because they are really bad!)?
In the past years I was in contact with many French maniax, I remember well the early letters with the DIY band Inhumate, as when I’ve traded the first Drakkar tape release, and many others. Now my contact in France are only with you and Gabriel of Nihilistik H.. Compared to the other states I never got many contacts in your country, I don’t know why, but it’s the truth, sincerely I don’t receive many flyers from French bands or labels, in the last time I write a letter to a band called Thrombosis and Christicide, but we have made a poor trade with only two tapes, but Gabriel informed me that he has sold 10 copies of PB#3, so I think that the France scene is not dead. Francesca and I like to travel so much, so years ago we spend our vacations travelling the coasts of Britain and Normandy all with a small tent and every night looking for a camping. We really loved those places and we promised to ourselves to back again there, because we visited too many beautiful towns and places but too fast, so we prefer the next time to coming back for enter a little bit more into the culture of these places. In fact we haven’t eat so much typical food or drinks like wine, anyway France has got beautiful regions.
Personally I don’t know any French beers, but I live near the hills of Monferrato, a place that is famous for the wine, but honestly we prefer beer, so in 2006 we have produced almost 40 litres of beer made by ourselves…yes, my friend TFH rex and Prayers Book is also this, hahaha! (Have you ever thought of calling it TERROR FROM BEER or PRAYER BEER? – Jim)
In the past years I was in contact with many French maniax, I remember well the early letters with the DIY band Inhumate, as when I’ve traded the first Drakkar tape release, and many others. Now my contact in France are only with you and Gabriel of Nihilistik H.. Compared to the other states I never got many contacts in your country, I don’t know why, but it’s the truth, sincerely I don’t receive many flyers from French bands or labels, in the last time I write a letter to a band called Thrombosis and Christicide, but we have made a poor trade with only two tapes, but Gabriel informed me that he has sold 10 copies of PB#3, so I think that the France scene is not dead. Francesca and I like to travel so much, so years ago we spend our vacations travelling the coasts of Britain and Normandy all with a small tent and every night looking for a camping. We really loved those places and we promised to ourselves to back again there, because we visited too many beautiful towns and places but too fast, so we prefer the next time to coming back for enter a little bit more into the culture of these places. In fact we haven’t eat so much typical food or drinks like wine, anyway France has got beautiful regions.
Personally I don’t know any French beers, but I live near the hills of Monferrato, a place that is famous for the wine, but honestly we prefer beer, so in 2006 we have produced almost 40 litres of beer made by ourselves…yes, my friend TFH rex and Prayers Book is also this, hahaha! (Have you ever thought of calling it TERROR FROM BEER or PRAYER BEER? – Jim)
14.I guess you started working on the next issue. Do you have any information you would divulge to our readers or you better want to keep the secret about the issue #4? Is there a possible deadline yet?
Of course my friend, we’re working for the 4th issue. At this moment we have only reviews in our hands, we sent the early interview to Xantotol from Poland, DeathEvokation (ger/usa), Torfrom from Chile, but we’re working for many other interviews, we want the next issue full of bands of different metal styles and more full of infos, flyers and good shit like that. Now I asked also a help to our best friend Isaak of Nocturnal Vomit to co-operate with us for some interviews and reviews, but the problem is still the same, we hope in good answers from the bands…We are only at the 3rd issue and we have some many things to learn, we lack of experience for sure, but honestly sometimes I don’t understand what the new bands expect from the fanzine and people who buy their releases, do you know a solution? No problem PB is still alive, also with one issue every 10 years, haha!
Of course my friend, we’re working for the 4th issue. At this moment we have only reviews in our hands, we sent the early interview to Xantotol from Poland, DeathEvokation (ger/usa), Torfrom from Chile, but we’re working for many other interviews, we want the next issue full of bands of different metal styles and more full of infos, flyers and good shit like that. Now I asked also a help to our best friend Isaak of Nocturnal Vomit to co-operate with us for some interviews and reviews, but the problem is still the same, we hope in good answers from the bands…We are only at the 3rd issue and we have some many things to learn, we lack of experience for sure, but honestly sometimes I don’t understand what the new bands expect from the fanzine and people who buy their releases, do you know a solution? No problem PB is still alive, also with one issue every 10 years, haha!
15.The back cover of your issue #3 shows three bullfight pictures where surprisingly the bullfighters are savagely crushed or impaled. Does this mean you’re against that form of unfair spectacle? What does mean “pericolo di morte” written on the panel?
We have decided to use different back covers from metal stuff and political shit, but we don’t want to consider it a campaign or a stupid provocation, it’s just to inform that there is nothing interesting or funny or cultural torturing animals for our stupidity. We think our planet suffer too much for the human ignorance, so we decided to use the back cover of the zine just to create an image on which people could think about. Keeping the ancient traditions where animals are tortured unnecessarily (but for us it’s always needlessly) is simple a confirmation how the human mind is not evolved and the human being still remain primitive…in the meanwhile the earth dying.
The words “pericolo di morte” means “danger of death” and it’s referred to the fact that in any case the bull will die, but only sometimes fortunately also the bullfighters come to death or suffer. The bullfight is a stupid play as all others animals abuse just for our amusement; it’s not a fight on equal terms. I’m honest, I don’t understand when people criticize our work for that, someone writes me that it’s not a metal concept, we are fools animalists or something like that, but what we have to answer to all of these ignorance? We think you haven’t any reasons to be against it. If you are a person with a fuking brain and if you like this shit you are a fuking sick of shit!
We have decided to use different back covers from metal stuff and political shit, but we don’t want to consider it a campaign or a stupid provocation, it’s just to inform that there is nothing interesting or funny or cultural torturing animals for our stupidity. We think our planet suffer too much for the human ignorance, so we decided to use the back cover of the zine just to create an image on which people could think about. Keeping the ancient traditions where animals are tortured unnecessarily (but for us it’s always needlessly) is simple a confirmation how the human mind is not evolved and the human being still remain primitive…in the meanwhile the earth dying.
The words “pericolo di morte” means “danger of death” and it’s referred to the fact that in any case the bull will die, but only sometimes fortunately also the bullfighters come to death or suffer. The bullfight is a stupid play as all others animals abuse just for our amusement; it’s not a fight on equal terms. I’m honest, I don’t understand when people criticize our work for that, someone writes me that it’s not a metal concept, we are fools animalists or something like that, but what we have to answer to all of these ignorance? We think you haven’t any reasons to be against it. If you are a person with a fuking brain and if you like this shit you are a fuking sick of shit!
16.Let us know about the latest records you enjoyed. Anything to recommend? And to finish, can you name an album that you consider being a jewel but that didn’t get the deserved support or you would consider underrated?
I’ve listen a lot of great stuff in the last time. Of course the scene still offers you good stuff from all over the world and from many different styles. About the new bands I’ve to recommend someone like the last reh- trax of Vault from Philippine is very killer, purely Speed Thrashing Metal with many old hc influences, the last demo and the new songs of Goat Tyrant from Poland are really great, I hope they will receive offers from good labels. Also the new Morbosidad album is fuking amazing, pure hell! The split ep Blasphemophagher/Necroholocaust, Disrupt MLP with old rare recordings, Looking For An Answer from Spain total Grinding massacre, Martyrvore Cd is great, the debut album of Embrace of Thorns from Greece, Goatlord cd with the unreleased album, the new Profanatica, the new Coffins is amazing, Necros Christos, Witch, the pathological freaks Haemorrhage are still the best, Warcollapse “Defy!” is more metal than crust, Forca Macabra, Necrovomit demo, Pisschrist, Hour Of 13, Six Organs Of Admittance not metal stuff but absolute great, the last Earth is pure post-psychedelic sound and tons of other new recordings… I think Sargatanas was a band that didn’t got the right support, they are in the scene since ‘86, but only two albums were released and in Europe not all the maniax in the UG known this Mexican legend, in fact the “knights of the southern cross” album I’ve re-released in vinyl times ago, has never got a good reply. Surely Deceased is one of those bands that in Europe are not so appreciated, everyone known the name but few people bought their releases. For sure there are too many bands that could have more success, but people haven’t appreciated their music. On my point of view in the 90% of the cases this is due to a wrong or a few work done by the labels with the bands, as many of these bands sign contracts with the first label that answer to their letters, after sending only 5 promos. Today labels want to sell a high quantity of copies and not really promoting new good bands.
I’ve listen a lot of great stuff in the last time. Of course the scene still offers you good stuff from all over the world and from many different styles. About the new bands I’ve to recommend someone like the last reh- trax of Vault from Philippine is very killer, purely Speed Thrashing Metal with many old hc influences, the last demo and the new songs of Goat Tyrant from Poland are really great, I hope they will receive offers from good labels. Also the new Morbosidad album is fuking amazing, pure hell! The split ep Blasphemophagher/Necroholocaust, Disrupt MLP with old rare recordings, Looking For An Answer from Spain total Grinding massacre, Martyrvore Cd is great, the debut album of Embrace of Thorns from Greece, Goatlord cd with the unreleased album, the new Profanatica, the new Coffins is amazing, Necros Christos, Witch, the pathological freaks Haemorrhage are still the best, Warcollapse “Defy!” is more metal than crust, Forca Macabra, Necrovomit demo, Pisschrist, Hour Of 13, Six Organs Of Admittance not metal stuff but absolute great, the last Earth is pure post-psychedelic sound and tons of other new recordings… I think Sargatanas was a band that didn’t got the right support, they are in the scene since ‘86, but only two albums were released and in Europe not all the maniax in the UG known this Mexican legend, in fact the “knights of the southern cross” album I’ve re-released in vinyl times ago, has never got a good reply. Surely Deceased is one of those bands that in Europe are not so appreciated, everyone known the name but few people bought their releases. For sure there are too many bands that could have more success, but people haven’t appreciated their music. On my point of view in the 90% of the cases this is due to a wrong or a few work done by the labels with the bands, as many of these bands sign contracts with the first label that answer to their letters, after sending only 5 promos. Today labels want to sell a high quantity of copies and not really promoting new good bands.
17.Well Stefano, I have everything I wanted to know; I hope we give a good overview about your activities. You can add anything you wish. Keep up the good work, stay fucking metal my friend!
First I want to thank you to have given me this opportunity, it’s still great to answer to an interview for a paper-zine that go on in the time and not like a web page that vanishes in nothing.
If someone is interested in my works, you can ask at your local UG distributors or directly to our addresses about Prayer Book zine and TerrorFromHell releases…we have some kult stuff for the future, like a re-edition on vinyl of the cult black metal band from Italy Black Prophecies, but for 2009, and I hope everyone of you fuking maniax of Obscure Metal from Hell listen the SARGATANAS “the enlightenment” on DLP with the first album and many unreleased live trax with a great cover art in a pure South American style. And remember that Metal is not ART, but only Death, Metal is not “elite” but a way of life, and the good Metal comes from all over the world from different kind of people!
Thanx for all your true support, and keep the fanzine alive ‘till the end of the world!

FOAD11-NOCTURNAL VOMIT “arts of tenebrous superstition” EP (black edition)
FOAD12-NECROCCULTUS “encircling the mysterious…” MC out now!!!!
(killer Mexican Blasphemous and Dark Death Metal from the beyond)
FOAD13-SARGATANAS “the enlightenment” DLP next
(the most Dark and Evil Death Metal album released in the late 90s with bonus live)
FOAD armour2-REVENANT “distant eyes/degeneration” T-SHIRT last copies
FOAD armour5-ORDER FROM CHAOS “stillbirth machine” T-SHIRT last copies
FOAD armour6-HAEMORRHAGE “I’m a pathologist” T-SHIRT out now
FOAD armour7-SPEED METAL “speed metal logo on front” T-SHIRT out now (limited)
For print Patches, Back Patches or T-shirts of your band, we can help you, just contact us at : francesca.bruz@libero.it
First I want to thank you to have given me this opportunity, it’s still great to answer to an interview for a paper-zine that go on in the time and not like a web page that vanishes in nothing.
If someone is interested in my works, you can ask at your local UG distributors or directly to our addresses about Prayer Book zine and TerrorFromHell releases…we have some kult stuff for the future, like a re-edition on vinyl of the cult black metal band from Italy Black Prophecies, but for 2009, and I hope everyone of you fuking maniax of Obscure Metal from Hell listen the SARGATANAS “the enlightenment” on DLP with the first album and many unreleased live trax with a great cover art in a pure South American style. And remember that Metal is not ART, but only Death, Metal is not “elite” but a way of life, and the good Metal comes from all over the world from different kind of people!
Thanx for all your true support, and keep the fanzine alive ‘till the end of the world!

FOAD11-NOCTURNAL VOMIT “arts of tenebrous superstition” EP (black edition)
FOAD12-NECROCCULTUS “encircling the mysterious…” MC out now!!!!
(killer Mexican Blasphemous and Dark Death Metal from the beyond)
FOAD13-SARGATANAS “the enlightenment” DLP next
(the most Dark and Evil Death Metal album released in the late 90s with bonus live)
FOAD armour2-REVENANT “distant eyes/degeneration” T-SHIRT last copies
FOAD armour5-ORDER FROM CHAOS “stillbirth machine” T-SHIRT last copies
FOAD armour6-HAEMORRHAGE “I’m a pathologist” T-SHIRT out now
FOAD armour7-SPEED METAL “speed metal logo on front” T-SHIRT out now (limited)
For print Patches, Back Patches or T-shirts of your band, we can help you, just contact us at : francesca.bruz@libero.it
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