1-Hi Matt, what's up man? I won't ask you about the band's biography, curious people can look at your Myspace page or can directly write to you. Instead of this, could you introduce our readers to your metallic initiation? When did you get in touch with this putrid music? What were the first bands that infect your soul and led you to give birth later to the infamous UNBURIED?
Goreatings, Jim! I started listening to Death metal and Grind styles in 1992. I was playing Thrash metal for a few years. I was looking to explore sicker more brutal music. I was first familiar with Mark Riddick's old death metal acts from the early 90's. They where called Unearthed and later Excrescent. Early on, I was also listening to Obituary's "The End Complete." I am a big fan of Obituary still to this day. The first band I ever ordered a demo tape from was Dismembered Fetus! I love the music that they did. It was so raw bitch hating and brutal. That got me hooked on the underground. It was about that time I started writing the tracks for Unburied's demo #1. Unburied started writing music in 1994. The first demo was not released to the international underground till 1996.
2-UNBURIED's actuality is the release of « Slut decapitator » on Metalbolic Records which is Rob Luckie's (SEEKING OBSCURE) label. The previous split CD was also released by Metalbolic Records. I guess that working together goes beyond the simple band-label relation. What can you say about it?
Rob believes in the music that I write and he is an old undergrounder. He likes what we do and he signed us based on that fact. I respect his label. Metalbolic has published two of Unburied's releases. We have agreed to release the next cd under Metalbolic as well.
3-A major difference between the split CD and « Slut decapitator » is the appearance of Brian Forman on drums who really puts your music a step higher regarding the brutal side of the band. Where does he come from and what is his musical background?
He's from Va. I met him through guitarist Matt B, he played guitar for Unburied for a couple of shows with us. Brian is a great drummer. He puts 95% of all drummers in the grave.
4-The four tracks from the split CD with SEEKING OBSCURE have been re-recorded on “Slut decapitator” Brian on drums. The result is really awesome. I can't avoid to say that a real drummer is essential to a band. For example I enjoy VIRAL LOAD's stuff but on their last record with old tracks re-recorded with a human drummer, it brings a “live” vibe that drum-machine will never reproduce. I have the same feeling with UNBURIED. What's your viewpoint? Would you see UNBURIED going back using drum-programming today?
I like having a real drummer. I also like drum programming. It all depends on how it is recorded and who is playing the drums. I plan on sticking with Brian. We may record someday with the programmed drums. I cant Brian brings to the band and he doesn't plan on going anywhere. predict the future. I do enjoy what I prefer having him in Unburied for sure. As long as hes around we will stick with his drumming.
5-On some live-pictures, you did vocals and played guitar while on some others you just did vocals. What's the actual live line-up? How many gigs did UNBURIED perform? With which bands did you share the stages?
Yes, we had a guitarist Black metal maniac, named Matt Beahm. Beahm played with us for a while. I was singing live only at that point. I was still working on singing all vocals and playing the axe at the same time. I used to only do backing vocals and play the guitar at live shows. I had to step it up and I did just that a couple shows later. The pics you are refering to are from the Detroit Death Fest and the Crayola House basement gig. Those where some sick events!

7-Going back to UNBURIED's style, the band plays some old school brutal death metal mixed with different elements of grindcore. Sometimes one can think about FLESHGRIND, DEADEN, DESECRATION (UK), LIVIDITY, etc... Even if your music is brutal you manage to make it quite diverse, fast parts, slower ones and some groove. Why don't you take part to the actual contest of « the fastest or the most technical, which is quite popular these days?
Hell yeah, Lividity and Deaden are cool bands. I remember them from the 1900's. I miss those days. The answer is simple, I am an old school guy. I like old school music. I play old school music. I don't give two shits about trends or being well known. I play what I like. I dress the way I like. I don't give a shit what anyone thinks. In the words of G.G. Allin fuck everyone else" I am only out to please myself." I hate trendy people!
8-UNBURIED also has a strong visual side (horror & gore) thanks to Mark Riddick's arts. People usually know what to expect. When did you meet him? How comes he joined you in UNBURIED? About the horror/gore theme, where do you take inspiration? Which kind of movies do you worship (Hammer movies, Italian horror movies, German gore movies...)?
I love some fucking Gore and Horror Films. I don't care where it is from and if its old or new. It has to kick ass. They have to be sick and demented. Theres alot of bad zombie movies out these days. I hate the corporate fags that put shit like best movie of the year on a movie and it blows cock. That is bull shit! Some of the movies I like are- I Spit On Your Grave, Zombie, Psycho, Demons, Henry Portrait Of A Serial Killer, The Blob, Wrong Turn, House by the Cemetery, Green River Killer, TBK, Saw, Carrie, Christine, Friday the 13th 1 , 2 and 3, Chainsaw Massacre 1, 2, and 3, Poltergeist, The Exorcist, " The Hitcher" the first one not the remake!
9-Where do the movie samples at the beginning of “Evil lurks within” and “Gore-soaked revenge” come from?
Evil Lurks within is about "House By the Cemetery" and we sampled the movie aswell! Gore Soaked uses a "Green River Killer" movie sample to express my rage and hatred toward woman! That clip is fucking prefect for UNBURIED's music!!!!
10-Talking about Mark's artworks and logo, do you know and like arts by people like Dan Seagrave, Jon Zig, Wes Benscotter, Vince Locke, Larry “Torch” Lyannas, Deather, Christophe Spazdjel, Chris Moyen, … Do you think artwork has an importance along with the music?
What are your favourite metal artworks?
I love Mark Riddick's artwork. Its really gore filled and sick! I also enjoy Putrid, Stephen Gammell he did the "Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark". That started me out sick in the head at a young age! Gammell wrote about killing girls and zombie ect... It was a kids ahahha! I have been into this stuff a loooong time man, hahhaa! oh and Russell Evans art what happened to him? Does anyone know how to contact him? He did some great stuff for bands in the 90's while serving prison time for 2nd degree murder.
11-Mark is a very busy guy, beside drawing and UNBURIED, he also took part to many side projects like FOLKEARTH, THE SOILS BLEED BLACK, … and he aslo has band named FETID ZOMBIE. How does he ma nage to remain available for UNBURIED?
Underground music is not a full time 365 day a yr job for theses bands. I mean they don't tour, nor does Unburied. However, Mark's a busy guy for sure.
12-Looking at your info-sheet (done in the cut n' paste style) you send to me some time ago, I noticed that you have a traditional way of promoting the band. The band has a myspace page, but you also write letters and use flyers. In the CD thanks-list you quoted many printed zines. Why are you also so attached to this more traditional way promoting UNBURIED? What are your favourite magazines/fanzines?
I like your questions man. I like Impact Drill zine, Black Blood Zine, Shrunken and Mummified zine, Forgotten Chapel zine and i enjoyed reading the copy of your zine "Putrefactive Effect" as well! Please,send me a few copies of this issue!!!!! Fucking UNDERGROUND oldschool attitude is what I live for! Any one that does a paper zine write me! I will post my home address below! I also trade bands as well as zines. WRITE ME FIRST!

We have five new tracks. We will record more in the future for a Split 7inc with fetid Zombie. We also have a full length cd upcoming on METALBOLIC RECORDS due out in 2010. As well I have talked to King Fowley of Va death metal legends Deceased, and he has agreed to do a 7inc record with Unburied aswell. Also we have a split cd with 3 bands on Coyote records out now! If anyone wants Slut Decapitator cds and tshirts get in touch! I also have Unburied LOGO Stickers, and Buttons! Copies of the split cd with UNBURIED/Seeking Obscure ...the label has sold out of those cds so get them from me. I have some left!
14-Give me your top 10 albums of all time: the releases you will bring with you into the grave!
Decrepit-Creation of Sin, Obituary-Back from The dead, Dying Fetus- Putrefaction Through Violence, Immolation- Dawn Of Possession, Agnostic Front-One Voice, The Twats- Hell In My Paints, Unburied-Slut Decapitator, Horror Of Horrors-Sounds Of Eerie, GG Allin-Res-Erected, Dark Throne-The Cult is Alive!!!!!
15-The autopsy has finally ended. Let's bury the corpse once more. Thank you, Matt for taking some time for our putrefied readers. I'll let you close this chat as you wish.
Eat my cock you cunts! True Underground supports… Get in touch! Thanks for the Interview! don’t FORGET, send me a few copies of this issue!!!!!
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