CD 2008 – Neurotic Records
9 tracks – 38'42
Rated: 10/10
Fourth album from the dutch deathsters and a turning point in the band's career. PROSTITUTE DISFIGUREMENT has recorded what I consider as the best brutal death album from 2008 (sadly they have split up in 2008 but reformed recently, yeah!!!). Why such an infatuation would you ask? Men, this album is the best accomplishment from the last years.
Musically, PROSTITUTE has reach the perfection with at least one killer and catchy riffs per song. Think about CANNIBAL CORPSE “Bloodthirst” era in terms of efficiency but keeping the PROSTITUTE's trademark: this intense and technical drumming. Then PROSTITUTE becomes a riffs factory, track after track, your attention is focused on the guitars riffs, the rhythms changes, the guitars solos, etc... If the way of structuring the tracks is absolutely classic in the brutal death style they performed, one must admit the undeniable catchiness.
The major change regarding the previous releases comes from the way of singing. Until then, Niels Adams was vomiting some pig-screams alike regurgitations. On “descendants of depravity” he sings in a more understandable way reminding a bit Chris Barnes's style on “The bleeding”. Pretty unoriginal but he injects enough deadly groove to strengthen the music. This change will probably be considered as turning back, a betrayal or whatever. I think it prevents PROSTITUTE to give a “left in grisly fashion 2” and allows the music to not being drowned in gory vocals and put at the middle ground.
A last point to underline is the use of dark and sometimes upsetting parts by the use of dissonant chords, melodies (nothing cheap!) and black metal riffs (which are more death than ever is you ask me) which create some dark atmospheres, thus used with parsimony. PROSTITUTE often set a mid paced parts and then put a violent one to really match efficiency.
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