Unholy greetings all in IMPOSER! Congratulations for the release of « Behold demons », this album offers some evil and impious metal of death. Can you briefly introduce the band to our readers and according to you who can be interested in your evil intents and satanic propaganda?
Thanx for your words about “Behold Demons”.
There’s nothing to introduce, personally I think to be fully immersed into the real death metal world, and it's reflected in Imposer with evil intent, no trends or need to experiment, no “core”, no melodic shit…I think to was clear about my musical point of view. If you want to know some things about IMPOSER I can say that I joined the band in 2004 and fired all the members who tried to stop my will of violence and I’m ready to do it again if someone try to repeat the mistakes of the old members.
The actual members of IMPOSER have still a musical background, they play (or have played) in CENOTAPH / NECROSPHERE, VOIDS OF VOMIT and DISMORF, all being death metal bands. It's quite surprising because Italy is more known through its black metal or thrash metal scene (let's forget all these faggotic heavy/power metal bands dealing with dragons and castles). According to you why death metal is less known or spread out there? What can you say about the state of the actual death metal scene, are there good bands? And what about older/pioneer bands?
Death metal, and when I say DEATH METAL I mean no trendy or melodic shit, it's an elitist kind of music…there’s only few people who really understand it and live it.
I don’t care about “faggotic” heavy-power metal bands, if you feel gay well, that’s your music…I’m happy if a guy listen power metal, I know his intention from the beginning and he stay out from Death Metal.
I don’t care a fuck about the Italian death metal scene, surely there’s good bands such the almighty NEFAS, they influenced me a lot, more than other biggest bands…pure chaos and extremism, this is for me the right way to play extreme music…I like also HEATHEN/LIFECODE, they are more black than death but it’s AMAZING STUFF.
The 90% of Italian “death metal” bands are pure shit for me, they speak as retarded and wear like niggers, it’s not for me and IMPOSER, it’s a trend to play brutal music here, everyone play brutal, everyone support the other bands ,everyone say “wow! it’s great!” when he listen new stuff from one of them... I catched a pathetic harmony into the homo-italian scene.
The real extreme scene it’s made by band such VOIDS OF VOMIT, BLASPHEMOPHAGER, NEFAS, HEATHNE/LIFECODE,HOUR OF PENANCE and few others…
What about older pioneer bands? Naturally MORBID ANGEL, ANGELCORPSE, REVENGE, HATE ETERNAL, DETHRONED(!!!), INCANTATION, IMMOLATION, REBAELLIUN, old KRISIUN, old DEICIDE, old SEPULTURA, SARCOFAGO, ORDER FROM CHAOS etc..…I think if a band got something of really extreme and evil surely I will like them.
Your death metal, without being completely original, has some obvious particularity: you use a low guitar tuning, lots of heavy and p ounding parts, simple but efficient riffs and you manage to display a dark and occult aura all along the tracks remaining quite brutal. Bands like MORTICIAN, IMMOLATION and INCANTATION come to mind but are there less obvious influences you would divulge? What is your interpretation of death metal, how it must sound and which feelings shall be unveiled by the listeners?
You catch the point “simple but efficient riffs and you manage to display a dark and occult aura all along the tracks remaining quite brutal”….
My interpretation about death metal? I love to play obscure, fast, evil music, but death metal got other dimensions, there’s a lot of right ways to play it…like the one created in Mindloss by GOREFEST,or like AUTOPSY,or like IMMOLATION…everything sounds different but everything sounds great.

We maked some mistakes on “Behold Demons”,we had 6 days to record it and the old drummer use 5 days to record his drums…and in one day I’d must to record everything, guitars, vocals, bass, solos….but its ok, it’s the first real product from IMPOSER, and from mistake I learned a lot.
I put that sounds into the songs to create something atmospheric and dark feeling, this is the reason.
The religion chants are a reversed mess recorded by Radio Vaticano station, and you can imagine why I reversed it.
Here's the useless question: if you wouldn't play death metal in IMPOSER, what would you do instead?
Play Death Metal in another band.
Internet allows the information to be widespread and makes promotion easier. However, I didn't read reviews about your album or even interviews. Why did you remain so confidential? Is it a lack of promotion or you wanted the music to be spread by itself? Did you reply to interviews for other webzines/magazines/fanzines?
Sure I did a lot of other interviews, but I don’t care about that side of music.
I hate reviews, cause in the most common of times the reviewers is a faggot cock lover, they write bullshits about bands but they never tried to pick up an instrument and learn to do something constructive. fuck off. I don’t care about their opinions.
I must say that Butchered Records has quite an identity, I mean, when you get their releases you're almost sure to get some satanic or dark death metal. I'm quite pleased listening stuff like DETHRONED, 9th PLAGUE, YOGTH SOTHOTH, IMPOSER, etc... Did you listen to all Butchered Records' releases? How did you get in touch with them? Are you satisfied by their job so far?
I don’t remember how we get in touch,maybe by myspace. Yeah I like their method to work:
few words only facts.
I fucking love the mood that Patrick (Pagan, the Butchered’s owner) decide to follow…only real, evil, fast death metal, I loved releases like DETHRONED (one of the best band I’d never listen to), 9TH PLAGUE, QUEIRON, INFIDEL, DECEPTION, ALTERCATED…great music, unfortunately 9TH PLAGUE split up and I hope the new Tony’s (9thP. Singer) band will got the same musical attitude..
A split CD is planned to be released by Butchered Records and shared with UNHOLY GHOST. Is this the American UNHOLY GHOST, the band founded by actual/ex-members of DIABOLIC. UNHOLY GHOST is supposed to be split up. Did the band have reformed? Or did their part of the split CD contains old or unreleased material?Can you give us more information about this release?
Sure man they are that UNHOLY GHOST…I don’t know if they’re splitted up or take only a break but for me it’s an honour to share it with them.
I think they will release their old unreleased stuff and maybe something from live sessions.
We will release 2 new songs, one cover from HEATHEN/LIFECODE and “Sacrificial Suicide” from DEICIDE, I’m totally satisfied by the final result cause I’ve worked alone all the time on it and try my capacity behind the mixer and, naturally, my patience ahahahah. It sounds very obscure and fast. (The split with UNHOLY GHOST has been cancelled, so the EP will be released as a MCD called “Divine Intolerance”- Jim)

I like HATE ETERNAL but we never shared the stage with them,for me the only trouble they did it's to shared the stage with gay bands such CHIMAIRA, SHADOWS FALL and shits like them…they had lost the respect of the old school fans for me..but Erik Rutan remains the best artist I’d never see.
Sure I’m interested into the seek of constant extremity but I prefer the speed instead the technic.
You recently recorded a cover of Swedish WAR “I am elite”, pretty unusual kind of cover from a band highly inspired by old black metal stuff like BATHORY. What's your opinion regarding the actual black metal scene with its many categories and sub-genres (often denied by purists)? Did you cover other bands before? What are the best covers you ever heard?
I like so many black metal bands such the early BATHORY, BLACK WITCHERY, early MAYHEM, MARDUK, BLASPHEMY, BEHERIT, BESTIA ARCANA, WAR, ARCHGOAT…and more…I know there in French you got that shitty band called NARGAROTH, they are the kind of black metal band I hate, posers! (Well we have indeed shitty black metal posers in France but NARGAROTH are from Germany - Jim)
I’m not fully involved into black metal but I love the 99% of “War Metal” scene such REVENGE, CONQUEROR, DIOCLETIAN, AXIS OF ADVANCE etc…
We never covered any band before “I Am Elite” and the best cover I never heard it's “Kill Again” (SLAYER) played by ANGELCORPSE, also “War” (BATHORY) played by REVENGE it's awesome.
IMPOSER released several demos before “Behold demons” album, a good thing if you ask me because one can see how the band evolved through the years and how they built their style. Do you think one you could gather all this old material on a CD? Do you think today, it's still possible to impress people with a demo (lately the HEAVING EARTH demo really impresses me)? I ask this because nowadays young bands release an album without going through the demo stage. What are your all-time favorite demos?
Surely “Abomination Of Desolation” by MORBID ANGEL and “Tangled In Gore” by GOREFEST are my favourites…in the most common of situations I prefer the demo versions instead the final product, cause you can listen the real nature of that band and feel the real power, without any trigger effect or false productions. I can only agree with you about HEAVING EARTH, they are one of the best new acts for me, I’m in contact with Tomas (the singer) and I can’t wait to receive his package.
Our demos are sold out now, maybe I will reprint somes but its not my priority now…I prefer to focalize my time on the new material.
Like any metalhead you probably still buy records and T-shirts about your favorite bands. What are your latest purchases? Have you ever done silly things due to your metal addiction (buy an ultra expensive HELLHAMMER vinyl bootleg or follow a band on a whole tour for example)?
The last things I’ve bought it’s an old DANZIG’s shirt if I remember right, now I’m preparing to order the last ARCHGOAT.
I’d drive for 8-9 hours to see IMMOLATION live in Germany 2 years ago, but it's not silly for me…it’s what a real death metal fan must to do to support a band such IMMOLATION.
My rag is coming from France (but most of my readers are probably from abroad...). What do you know from my country? Are there bands you listen to quite gladly? I heard that there's good wine in Italy, but don't you think that the best wine comes from France? Ahahah!
There in France you got a lot of homosexual people and a lot of Arabic insects ahahah, but now here in Italy we got the same problems, I know that French people like to do some sexual experiments with “baguette”, french girls got shaved vagina, French football team lost the last worldcup against Italy, your premier fuck an Italian bitch, etc..
About the French bands, I can say you BLOODY SIGN, they are very good and I love their style…hope to share the stage with them as soon as possible.
I don’t drink wine , so, your question got no answer ahahahah, I prefer to drink rhum and vodka, wine it's for females!!!!
We reached the end of the interview. Thanks for your time and your evil music. You can add whatever you want, something that could have been forgotten, someone to threaten, etc... Final sacraments are yours!
Death Metal it's not a trend, it’s a way of life, a method to create chaos and give forms to your blasphemies.
It’s the most physical music you can play, the most splendour sound of any time…there’s nothing in common with gay painted bands, you shouldn’t fear to show your face to the audience, you must to attack it with your music and play your music with violence.
Thanks Jim for your support and hails to the extermination.
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