1- Hey Phil what's up? We are here to talk (smoke?) about CANNABIS CORPSE and everything related to the band, from your addiction to weed to your CANNIBAL CORPSE addiction as well. How everything started? Why such an infatuation for CANNIBAL CORPSE?I'm a big fan of CANNIBAL CORPSE and when I hear about your band, I was really curious to listen to it so I first bought « Tube of the resinated » and I must say it's a really good release, not just parody with bad musicianship, but the tracks have the catchy impact of some CANNIBAL CORPSE tunes. In fact, « Tube of the resinated » could have been recorded just after « the bleeding » as you really captured the band's spirit. What are people reactions about CANNABIS CORPSE? Did you have bad reviews, complaints or shits like that?
Well when we first started to the band we didn't think that anyone would hear the music at all, we were just making some death metal tunes because we thought it would be fun to do. But once the first album "Blunted at Birth" was finished a couple of our friends in Richmond told us that they wanted to put it out as the first release on there fledgling record label called "Forcefield Records". We received so much positive feedback from our "buds" out there on the internet that we knew we needed to cut a second album, so in the winter of 08 we recorded "Tube of the resinated" and have been playing shows supporting that album ever since, I have to admit that there are a some haters out there that claim we are making fun of CANNIBAL CORPSE and that is not the case at all, CANNIBAL CORPSE is my favorite band and we are doing this to show love!
2- As mentioned above, you play in the CANNIBAL CORPSE Chris Barnes era mostly. Is it your favorite time in the band's discography? What were the CANNIBAL CORPSE guys' reactions when they listen to CANNABIS CORPSE? Chris is also a big weed adept like you, does he hear about you? Do you enjoy his work with SIX FEET UNDER?
I love everything in CANNIBAL CORPSE's discography equally there are some things I like about Corpsegrinder era better than Chris Barnes and it also goes the other way around too, I don't know how they reacted when they heard CANNABIS CORPSE but we did ask Paul (the drummer from CANNIBAL CORPSE) if it was ok that we put out albums with the band name CANNABIS CORPSE and he said ok. Later I bumped into Paul at Wacken fest and he said he was stoked on "Blunted..." and was looking forward to "Tube..." , I have also exchanged a couple emails with Alex Webster and he said we sounded heavy, There is a photo on our myspace page of Alex Webster holding a CANNABIS CORPSE cd.
3- We can see CANNABIS CORPSE as an homage band to CANNIBAL CORPSE, a bit like IMPALED or GENERAL SURGERY with CARCASS for example. However, some people may consider this as opportunism or that you created nothing new, blablabla.... I think that metal in general needs to be kept in a certain tradition without looking for originality at all cost, because, after all, all has been said and done. What do you think of this?
I think that singing about nothing but death and gore in Metal is a bit overdone don't you think? Don't get me wrong though, I love bands that sing about that stuff but I didn't want to just call my death metal band something unoriginal like putrid skull death and just be lumped in with the thousands of other bands out there, I thought that naming our band CANNABIS CORPSE and having tons of lyrics about weed etc... would be a pretty fresh idea and would help our band stick out from the thousands of other death metal bands out there, sometimes just writing a bunch of lyrics about killing women can get very tiresome to hear over and over again and seems like sort of a cop out, I think our music definitely sounds different from anything else out there and anyone who invests some time in reading the lyrics will find out how funny our singer "Weedgrinder" can be with his images of weed hungry zombies and cults that cultivate there weed from the blood of ritual sacrifice!
4- You're not the sole band worshiping or doing parody of famous bands. In extreme music, we have the UK based BEAUTICIAN (who does a parody of MORTICIAN), JON BENET RAMSEY (INCANTATION parody), WARHAMMER (HELLHAMMER worship) and probably more. Do you know other bands with this concept? In you opinion what can be the limitations of doing such a thing?
I think the only limitation is your imagination! If the music is good then the music is good you know? If the lyrics are fun to sing along to then hell yea! It doesn't really matter what there about as long as it sounds cool. Look at how many albums DEICIDE has put out and every song they write is about satan and killing christians etc. Nobody ever accuses them of being limited, the bottom line is the music. As far as other cool bands with funny concepts there is a band from Richmond called CRIBTOPSY and is a death metal band kind of like CRYPTOPSY but has funny child-like vocals over very extreme music and is fun to listen too.
5- “Blunted at birth” and “Tube of the resinated” have been released by Forcefield Records, a small independent label that put out underground stuff like BATTLEMASTER, COUGH, TRIAC, OUTCLASSED, … How did you get in touch with this label that doesn't seem to restrict itself in one musical style? This label has more a punk/hardcore/DIY image compared to the average metal label?
Well they seem D.I.Y because they are D.I.Y! The guys at that label basically smoke tons of weed and just put out there friends bands for the love of doing it, nobody is making any money or anything they are just doing it because they love music. "Blunted at Birth" was the first album that was put out on this label and it definitely helped them get the ball rolling towards putting out lots of other releases. The owner of the label lives just down the street from me ha ha!
6- The graphical side of CANNABIS CORPSE is carefully elaborated, especially the artwork of “Tube of the resinated”, the sleeve's CD is awesome! How came the idea with the bong in the middle with sorcerers around? Did you have the graphic concept in mind at the very beginning of the band (probably after an intense smoking session, ahaha!)?
Yes! I take the artwork very seriously, I think that having cool images to go along with the music is a dying art these days, most bands just slap a shitty photoshop piece of crap on there cover and call it a day, That sucks!
I want the people that buy a CANNABIS CORPSE cd to have just as much fun looking at all the crazy stuff going on in our art as they do listening to our badass death metal ha ha! The artist that painted the cover of "Tube of the resinated" is named Andrei Bouzikov and lives in California, he rules! We came up with the sorcerers around the gorebong idea one day hanging out smoking some seriously dank weed, we just pitched ideas back and forth laughing the whole time it was fun as hell, Andrei is doing the cover of our next L.P as well, it already looks just as killer as “Tube...”. As far as the inside artwork that was done by a guy that calls himself BARF and is a terrific comic book artist from Richmond, he created the "BUDMONSTERS" that frequent our t-shirt designs and is a really nice guy, We definitely want to keep both artist working for us because the things they draw go along so perfectly with the images I wanted to display in CANNABIS CORPSE.

That creature is the "BUDMONSTER" and is a horrific mutated marijuana bud that eats people at our shows. He follows around CANNABIS CORPSE where ever we go so if you see us play live you better be ready to run for your life!!
8- CANNIBAL CORPSE's discography has 11 albums (without adding the EP, MCD, compilations...), so you have enough potential to create material to parody their tracks to create yours. But if your ever get short of inspiration have you thought of what to do in this case? Maybe you could find ideas on the SIX FEET UNDER side, ahah!
We already are planning on spoofing a different bands song titles for our next full length, I don't want to ruin the surprise by telling you what band it is but it definitely will go hand in hand with What we do and wont seem like a stretch at all, I think CANNABIS CORPSE has unlimited potential for as many albums as we want to do because there are so many great old school death metal bands out there that I love. As far as SIX FEET UNDER is concerned aren't they already a parody band? Ha ha just kidding I love SIX FEET UNDER, "Murdered in the basement" rules!
9- You're among the very few death metal bands dealing with marijuana (if not the only one!), you find many grindcore talking about it, and no (true) black metal even mentioned it because it's not “metal” or “evil” according to them, more of a hippie thing. Can you understand their behavior? Do you like black metal and and its legions of evil pandas (To be true or not be true, that is the question)?
Yea I am very diverse in what I listen to on a day to day basis, I love Black metal as much as Death metal. In fact I am in a BATHORY cover band called THE RETURN with some of the guys from BATTLEMASTER and MUNICIPAL WASTE, you can find a link to them on the CANNABIS CORPSE website. As far a “evil' is concerned, most of the supposed "true" Black metal guys out there smoke just as much weed as I do so...................
10- CANNIBAL CORPSE is doing a European tour in support of CHILDREN OF BOREDOM. Wasn't it possible for you to come with CANNIBAL CORPSE CORPSE instead of CB? Or at least with MUNICIPAL WASTE? Seriously, do you think a European tour is possible in the coming years?
Definitely! We are really looking forward to coming over there and rocking out for you guys, after all the best pot in the world comes from Europe! I can only imagine what would happen if CANNABIS CORPSE was set loose in Amsterdam! We would smoke ourselves into a weed coma ha ha! The funny thing is we have actually shot a scene in a real deal movie called " IN THE LOOP" that should be coming out in the theaters in the UK sometime this year or next year, it stars James Gandalfini from "THE SOPRANOS" and hopefully should be cool. We played the roll of a bar band playing in the background of one of the scenes in the movie just like CANNIBAL CORPSE did in the movie "ACE VENTURA" I am not kidding! hopefully it will come out in theaters over there too!
11-You have new tracks on the way, will you release a new album? An EP is also planned, right? Can you eventually divulge new titles tracks (don't worry, your stuff will be released before the print of this rag, ahah!)?
Yea I am super busy working on both a new CANNABIS CORPSE album and a new MUNICIPAL WASTE album so I spend all of my free time riffing away in the studio, I am very close to finishing a new 4-song CANNABIS CORPSE L.P that is going to be released on Tank Crimes records called "BUDLANDS" It totally rips! After that we are going to start working on the next full length as fast as we can, it is going to take alot of joints and bong rips but it will be totally killer for sure! (I just ripped a huge bong load just now in fact).
12- What are your recent musical discoveries, anything to recommend? Do you listen to “Evisceration Plague” and what do you think o f it?
We have been listening to a ton of old school NWOBHM lately in the van on our way to the shows, Bands like BLITZKRIEG, BLACK AXE, SATAN, WEAPON, HOLOCAUST, MORE, BLEAK HOUSE, HOLLOW GROUND, MARSEILLE, TANK, ANGEL WITCH, CHEVY, CRUCIFIXION, QUARTZ, WITCHFINDER GENERAL, PRAYING MANTIS, BITCHES SIN, I have to totally give credit to Ryan Waste (Guitar and vocals in MUNICIPAL WASTE - Jim) for showing me all these great heavy metal bands. I pre-ordered my copy of “Evisceration plague” from Metal Blade and it came signed by all the members of CANNIBAL CORPSE, it rules!
13- You did a filmed interview with Metal Injection webzine. You also appeared in Necromaniac Zine from Germany, what are the best way of being interviewed according to you? Do you think printed magazines and fanzines have still a use today?
Of course! Fanzines are the best way to discover new bands and keep updated with everything that is going on out there, No one can deny that a printed mag is way better than a glowing computer screen!

Well in VA it goes:
=<5>=5 lbs.: 1-10; $1000
Cultivation (any amount): 5-30; $10,000
=<5>5 oz.: 1-10; $2,500
>=5 lbs.:5-40; $500,000
Sale to minor; 10-50; $100,000 (1 year M)
Sale within 1,000 ft. of school: 1-5 M; $2,500-$100,000
Sale of paraphernalia; 1; $2,500
Sale of paraphernalia to minor: 1-5; $2,500
Driver's license suspension: 6 months

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